Interesting for it's time and it works fine for what it is. Just a bit repetitive.

Final boss was pretty neat though, I liked it.

It just feels slightly off... all the time. It's not a good feeling playing this.

I have a love/hate relationship with the Bean Machine.

On one hand, Puyo Puyo is just a pretty fun game and the Sonic skin is a nice touch with a simple but admittedly fun piece of music.

On the other hand, this is the hardest game I have ever beaten and one of my proudest moments playing a game ever. Finishing this game was my Mt Everest and I thought I was slowly going insane for hours on end.

I do not like Sonic CD at all. It's saving grace is that it has an absolute banger of a soundtrack. (euro/jp version)

Levels are way too big and obnoxious and don't lend themselves well to the normal Sonic gameplay. Wacky Workbench is always a headache to playthrough.

The best of the classic sprites for Sonic and it's not even close.

Super ambitious with the technology of the time, merging two games into one will always be cool and I like how even though it's still basic, they throw a bit more story between levels with the transitions.

I think it is the weakest of the trilogy though, with more zones than before being misses for me. Still some all time greats though; Angel Island, Snow Cap, Hydrocity, and Mushroom Hill are all super fun. (i guess it's alot of the S&K zones I find meh)

Gotta be one of the best sequels out there. I think the run of the first 5 zones in Sonic 2 (Emerald Hill - Hill Top) might be consistently the strongest and most fun set of levels in the franchise.

The games let down a BIT by its last couple of zones though. Mystic Cave is... fine, but Oil Ocean is super ugly and boring and then Metropolis is obnoxious at times to get through.

I'm a Star Light Zone stan till the day I die. Why does the zone never get referenced in the future?

It's actually wild how strong the first Sonic game stays to this day. It holds up with strong platforming and maybe the best soundtrack of any 2D Sonic game?

Both the speed based and platforming based zones are balanced well and all great (except for labyrinth zone). Not much to say with Sonic 1, they knew what they were doing here.

Gameplay is better is almost all ways compared to the first game, Crossguard and Blaster stance are my two favs now, and the story while maybe not AS good was really enjoyable by delving into the High Republic era (the best era of Star Wars)

My main problem here are the planets, while much bigger, I don't think any of them stand up to the planets from the first game and I much preferred the original's level design. Also the framerate struggles a lot at times which is frustrating

Every day, i'm just waiting for Cal Kestis to make his way into live action/ animated Star Wars.

As a Star Wars and Souls fan, this game is pretty great. Cal and the Mantis crew are all interesting and gameplay is great. Planets are varied and fun to explore, maybe a bit too maze-like and awkward sometimes.

Wish we had more time with Merrin though, since Nightsisters are always fun.

Insomniac had a winning formula with the first game and did a great job with the half sequel here.

Everything great about the first is still great here, webslinging is still great and Miles' animations give him enough personality to still feel different to Peter. Venom powers are a cool addition (dumb name though)

Only drawbacks here are the length being shorter than the first game and the main antagonist is a lot weaker than Doc Ock in the original. (although Miles and his family/friends do a lot of heavy lifting, they're great)

The best thing you can say about Insomniac's Spider-Man is that if you put it up against the other Spider-Man movies that have been made, this one still comes up towards the top. Such a great Spidey story that really gets the spirit of Spidey right.

This understanding of the character translates to the gameplay as well as this is the best feeling Spider-Man has ever been and his gadgets are varied enough to always be used in different situations.

Also the suit with the white spider logo... instantly iconic. Peak Spidey-suit

Probably the best pack-in title since the WiiU's Nintendoland.

A complete treat of an experience (especially if you're a longtime PS fan) that works brilliantly as both a showcase of the system and controller's new features and just a solid little platformer as well.

If you have a PS5, i'd say its a must play.

How has there not been a sequel to Legends yet? This and Origins came pretty close to a perfect platformer and a decade later they haven't capitalised on that.

The game is visually stunning with a great artstyle. Fast and flowing gameplay that starts to tow the line between platformer and rhythm game at times with how natural movement feels.

Screw the platinum trophy though, having to grind months of daily challenges was too much.

I really enjoy this one, the idea is unique and implemented well while not being too long to overstay it's welcome. I was always happy with the solution to puzzles and had a good time figuring each out.

Story is also really nice and compelling that I wanted to see it through to the end as it was quite touching.

One of those games that you're just happy the whole time you play, with a soundtrack like this it's hard not to be. (music levels are a highlight)

Still love the old LittleBig Planet style but this is a great time aswell