After playing it a couple of times... I mean it's alright. I haven't played enough games like this to know if it's better than the average though.

At first you kinda have to decipher what the game means with each item, then you discover that not only a 3d object counts as it's gets more and more tricky. I like how it mixes it up but after a while you start to get used to placements and recurring objects.

The worst part of the game is the constant loading, even for a static story scene.

The best part is the developer name... awooooooga

Absolute classic
Nothing is better than getting yelled at by insane people after losing a 1v1 at 1am. That shitty mic quality makes it funny everytime

The fact that this game is still alive after all these years is proof of it's excellence. Right now, as I'm writing this I've checked and there's 4 full servers in my country. The player base is dedicated and unhinged.

It's sequels are very popular, with high player counts and use this a base. CS1.6 is like the raw, less refined version of those games but the foundation is so good that I always have a good time going back. Sure it's not "good" but it's fun.

The funniest part is that I absolutely suck at this game lmao

How can a mobile game be this polished, a complete package, and be 100% free of charge and free of mobile bullshit?

The only negative it's that it's too short but this may be one of, if not the best mobile game I played. It has surprisingly great writing, great gameplay with varied levels, and while the controls are a little hard to get used to, the risk-reward aspect of the wall boosts is great.

Oh and that soundtrack... it's perfect.

We're missing the last 2 chapters but, since this game left ps plus, I think that's it for now, until I actually buy it.
I was playing it with my gf and honestly, even though it's only a small part that we are missing compared to the hours we played, I think I'll get the game. Maybe a physical version.

It's a fantastic co-op experience, specially if your partner doesn't have that much experience in gaming. It hits that sweetspot between not being frustrating if you suck at games and not being boring if you are a veteran gamer (damn I hate that word lol).

The story is also pretty good, though it's also what prevents me from giving it a higher score. I think it does a good job of handling it's themes (divorce, communication, etc) and there's a lot of great scenes. The highlight for us was THAT moment with a certain elephant... it was painful.
The other side of the coin is that the story is not focused at all. I think you can keep the start and the last 4 chapters and there wouldn't be that much of a change, except now there wouldn't be a justification for a space level or to escape from squirrels.

Maybe it was the time limit of the game leaving of ps plus, but we thought it was too long. It seems crazy to say... like, of course you want a full release to last 15 hours, but the campaign is full of detour after detour. It's not the minigames (they are another great part of the game) it's the story trying to find someway of lengthening the play time. If this wasn't a co-op exclusive story campaign it wouldn't feel that bad. Or maybe if the excuses for the detours didn't feel like the plot wasn't progressing.

Well the gameplay is also all over the place. It introduces a lot of new mechanics, all the time, every chapter. Sometimes they work (I think my favorite was chapter 2's) and sometimes they aren't that great, but since the game keeps going from one thing to the other it's not that bad.

Even with (what we though were) it's flaws, I 100% recommend this game, if you have someone that has the time to spend it playing with you. Only one of the 2 players needs to buy it, you can either play it locally (split screen) or online (player 2 can use a friend pass).

I remember being addicted to this game.

Years ago I found a post of someone that made a web browser port. I bookmarked it and played it a lot.
Fast forward to nowadays and I couldn't remember the link. Since the pc I used at the time is now dead I had given up on finding that page.

Until today. I don't know why, but one search led to another and I went from looking for mobile games to play, to NetHack, to remembering a hacking game that I used to play but not it's name, to an article that listed hacker themed games, to a wiki article on Decker that on the bottom of it's page had the link... what a journey.

For some reason this game appears twice on this site. I guess this is the correct page?

Anyways I liked my time with this game. I quit when I fulfilled my main goal of having every raccoon related card, but they release new cards all the time so maybe I'll comeback.

I still have faith goddammit

It's alright I guess. It's poorly optimized (on mobile) and I had to play it muted, but I had fun trying to do the objectives, though it's up to luck most of the time.

I don't know how to feel about trying to archive homeostasis between my stats by making choices I don't agree with. Most of the time you are just trying to survive and hoping the game throws you a bone to progress. When I became emperor I immediately died because my umm... sword stat? was too high.

The best part of the game, for me, was the combat. It was what kept me engaged, even though I only lost once. It has a "deck building" aspect to it; you have 9 slots available and you can get units by making allies through your choices. There's even a multiplayer mode for it, too bad I couldn't find an opponent.

Teaches exactly what it says in the title.

I like fighting games and this can be fun for some minutes. Good luck finding anyone online though.

Looks like this developer keeps making the same game just with different IPs.

The game looks like shit with an "adult cartoon" look that just makes it seem cheap and generic.
Oh and the gameplay... it's just an idle game... They had to be creative to shoehorn idle game mechanics and it really doesn't fit AEW; you get money to set up diferent kind of matches, then you upgrade the matches so they get more fans???? Wrestling doesn't work like that lmao.
There's also a collecting aspect to this game, where you unlock wrestlers by progressing the story (a very lame text story without voice acting or sound effects), you use a resource (steel chairs???) to upgrade them and then you use them to fight in unskippable 3v3"wrestling matches" with terrible generic animations.

For some reason this game has no background music.

It's really generic but you can play the whole game with a friend so that's cool.

I remember my mom being addicted to this, she asked to use my old laptop all the time back then.
Peak puzzle game. Compared to the mountain of trash match 3 games on mobile this game is like a holy grail.

Solid Snake is a fraud, Robbery Bob is the true master of stealth

Usually I wait until I finish each game I review, but wow this game.
I brought this because it was an exclusive ps3 only hidden gem, and went in blind.
I was very impressed with what I saw... The unique setting, great graphics, quirky gameplay and an amazing sound design.

When I finish the game I'll do an actual review with a score, but my first impression was very positive.

Why do I still know all of this? I haven't played a mainline game since ultra sun came out.

Fun concept