It's alright.
I went back just to play as Darth Vader, since I had only played the xbox360 version and I didn't have the dlc.

I like how the story progressed and it features some of the best designs of the franchise in Siegfried and Nightmare. It also has the most shameless designs lmao just look at Ivy. Every girl (except for Amy and Talim?) is sexualised.

If you are a casual you won't get much from this game as it doesn't have much content aside from story (which is just an arcade ladder with a cgi ending for each character) and the tower (which consists of fighting the cpu, just with some challenges and modifiers). This is nothing compared to the previous entries in the franchise.

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Missed potential.

I know sc5 was so badly received that 6 was a franchise reboot, but I don't think it's as bad as many reviews say it is, in fact I think it's better than sc4 (it's not really a high standard though). Sure it doesn't have the fan favorite characters or a well written story with endings and in-game explanations for every character, but the #1 most important aspect of a fighting game is it's gameplay.

I'll start with the positives and the mechanics and the actual fighting when the round starts is one of them. The game feels more fluid, faster and movement more responsive. The 8 way run feels way better than previous games, and overall movement is faster for every character. The inclusion of meter, "ex-moves" and "supers" are great additions in my opinion, and way better than the fatalities that 4 added lmao. Super moves are short and not long cinematics like they would end up being in Tekken 7 and sc6.

Another big positive, and a selling point on it's own: the character creation. While in Tekken you can dress up the characters in Soul Calibur you can do that and also create your own OCs. In the previous 2 entries you could also do that, but the freedom of adding stickers and accessories almost anywhere on your character allows for some crazy customization if you get creative. I remember, when this game released, looking online for formulas and just to see what other people were making. In my original save file, from that time on the xbox360, I hit the maximum (50) slots, and in around 2 months with the ps3 version I have 30 created characters. Too bad you have to hit max player level to unlock every piece of equipment though...

Every good point comes with a catch with this game. The game has an excellent character creator (and sometimes it feels better than the one in sc6) but there's a ridiculous grind to unlock everything for it. The gameplay feels great... but there's barely any content besides what's essentially just versus against the cpu or other players. It has great new character additions... but the roster also includes Xiba, Leixa and Patrokolos, and it's not like the 2 Pyrrhas and Alpha Patroklos are a good replacement for Sophitia, Cassandra and Setsuka.

Man, the roster is so weird. Characters from previous entries are missing because story. Are Taki, Xianghua, Mi Na or Setsuka not in the game because they would be too old? Hilde is in and she looks the same as the previous game. Why is Talim not in the game? She would be perfect for a time skip. Why is Algol in the game?? Mitsu looks older but Maxi looks the same. Kilik is just another Edge Master but there's 2 Pyrrhas.

The story excuse for not having the older characters just feels weak. Voldo, Astaroth, Aeon just have no story significance. Even the "new generation" trio barely appear in the story mode. Natsu and Taki could easily coexist just like Amy/Raphael, Rock/Astaroth or Lizardman in previous games.

The story is fucking awful. To read and to play. It had some cool ideas I guess...
Patroklos and Pyrrha are terrible protagonists and their relationship is kinda weird. Z.W.E.I. is cool but they just kill him at the end lol. And most of the cast just get nothing in terms of continuing their story.

It's obvious that this game was rushed. It's a shame because there's so many cool ideas. Z.W.E.I., Viola, Aeon are great additions. The presentation is great. Ezio is an alright guest but Devil Jin is so cool...

I like coming back to this game. It has some fighting styles that are unlikely to return and creating new abominations is always fun. The storymode is there and I can just ignore it :)

Even if sc5 is looked as a black sheep I feel that there's a lot of it's concepts managed to survive. Tekken 7 with it's rage arts and drives. Soul Calibur 6 which refined the gameplay of 5, kept the meter and the movement, and it's character creator is very similar to the one in 5. And sc6 clearly influenced Tekken 8's meter and it's usage.

If you liked 6 or like Soul Calibur in general, give this game a chance. It's not 1 star bad, more like 3.5 stars with some big flaws and some good stuff too.

In another instance of me choosing to play a game from a mobile ad (aka masochism), I played Family Life.
All I can say is at least this game is close to it's ad.

It's sort of like a choose your own adventure game. You start a family and from time to time you get you choose what happens... and the best option is usually behind an ad.
50% of your time with this game will consist of watching ads, the other half will consist of expanding your family numbers; the more people you have means more people to fill spots in the family business and that will lead to more money.
That's the game loop: you choose the best options (of situations that become repetitive after 15min) so you can get more family members, then you use those numbers to get more money, and that money will go into raising the younger generation so they can later make more babies.

It's not that interesting and there are better time wasters.

Well I was bored and decided to download one of those games that appear in THOSE mobile ads.
This game is very similar to others with the same style of deceiving ads I've seen, it's like an AI is following a template. I was very surprised when I found out that this game is 4 years old apparently???

So, the gameplay. You grind to boost your power level or whatever it's called in this game. Once it's high enough you can progress with the levels on the explore tab. It starts easy with the game giving you everything bit the more you advance the higher the jumps in power will be. Typical mobile stuff.
Also, typical from this kind of game: -There's a million tabs and stuff you have to do to get stronger; right now my main screen has 37 buttons.
-It has a bunch of microtransactions; almost on every screen there's an option to buy.
-It has limited item storage that you slowly upgrade.
-It has an energy resource (called food in this game).
-It shows when other players (supposedly) get rare items.
-It groups new players in a "new server" where they are ranked to each other.
-And it also has dating sim elements, that for some reason seem mandatory in this kind of game? Well it's not really fleshed out, you just collect women (and men) and in 2 days you can take them to your house.

The main "unique" thing in this game is the cultivation aspect. The game is called immortal taoists after all, so you have a bunch of attributes you can individually boost, and it uses Chinese terminology that I only know because of amazing cultivation simulator lmao.
All of that chinese alchemy stuff translates in game to just waiting. Gathering ki and getting cultivation points is automatic and even paying won't speed it that much. You wait and then use those points to boost individual attributes. You also take tons of pills to get more stats.

There really are a ton of modes and resources to grind and keep track of, and it feels like you do a lot all for a single point of attack, at least it's like that when you are on the higher realms.

Don't play this game.
If you want a grindy numbers game there's lots of games that would fulfill that itch, like cookie clicker idk.

The worst part was the amount of paid stuff that people were actually buying... if the numbers displayed in-game were correct. Crazy. Imagine spending actual money in a game like this, and you don't even get that much of an advantage if you do.

I initially started playing this game because of a PSstars campaign. "Relaxing games". What a lie.

The world in this game is just like real life nature: uncaring, unfair, cold and only the strong and intelligent survive... and initially that is your only objective.

If you gave up or you didn't get it, I understand. At the start this game seemed like an impossible mountain I was trying to climb. Just surviving 5 days was a challenge.
I persevered. I also used a map. Even if that kind of spoiled some areas for me I was still impressed by every new area I reached, and every new organism that I encountered.

This game was an amazing and unique journey. Getting the platinum trophy felt amazing. Still, I can't give it 5 stars... there's a lot of frustrating moments that felt unavoidable, like the classic immediately getting your head chomped with no warning when you move screens, or having to maneuver on the edge of the screen causing the camera to go back and forward a ton of times.

Very short adventure game
Even if you try to see everything and get every trophy this game lasts less than an hour
The story; writing and voice acting was alright. I did like the way you interact with it and uncover what happened piece by piece
The worst part of the game though is the performance. I guess it's a ps4 thing but this game crashed several times while on the elevators. There's only 3 zones in the game apart from the hub where you access them, and to get to those zones it feels like 50% chance the game just dies. At least the auto saves are frequent.

So humans are destroying the world and you have to survive for a month.

It's a good indie game with great environmental storytelling, and the gameplay is... alright. I wish there was more to "being a mother" and taking care of your cubs; they are invincible and in most situations you can just run around as if they weren't there.

It's ending is sad but expected... I mean the title of the game says it all.

Like the original version, but without the gacha and player interaction.
Everything from the "online" version still applies; like feeling way better to control with a joystick, and the gameplay being... ok and not really comparable to the actual megaman x games. It is a spin off after all...

Unique to this version is the new shop, where you can use the in game currency (that you unlock by progressing though the story mode and completing missions), to get everything that you would in the gachas. Thanks to this the progression is fucked. Nothing is explained and you can get some very powerful tools really early... the game even gives you s rank X after beating the first set of stages. This makes most of the early game a boring cakewalk.

I couldn't continue to the endgame as I had to uninstall this game from my phone due to not having enough space for it, but I'll probably play it again on the pc version.

I don't know... not having the gacha is a big plus, and it's great that the game was preserved... except not everything was preserved. PvP is gone and so are the collabs. I can understand the online elements (maybe a local duel option could have worked? Or even only allowing lan connections) but why are the CAPCOM collabs gone???
The worst part is the price tag. All I'll say is that there's no way in hell I would pay that much for a mediocre game, even if it's from a franchise that I enjoy. In fact I didn't pay to play this game wink wink

Perfection in fighting game form

This game is hilarious. 100% a kusoge, full of weird balace decisions and mechanics, but it's also one of the best fighting games of the system, very responsive and feels great to control.

The playable characters can do some funny stuff:
Everyone can do infinite supers when they have low hp, and those supers do a ton of damage
Chibimoon can become fully invincible by chaining backdashes
Mercury has super quick walk speed
Jupiter has a crazy air fireball that comes out in a weird angle and does more damage on block
And, of course, Uranus is the best character in the game. She is a grappler (!) with a really fast forward dash that covers the whole screen

100% better than the previous game; it's faster and the presentation is way better (and very cute). It also has an alternate mode where you can use chibi moon, too bad it's single player only.
The game is short but I had way more fun than the last game. The best new addition is that you can grab and throw the other player across the screen... it's kind of unintentional but having ways to mess with the other player makes for a way better multiplayer experience lmao.

Average beat em up... except it's worse than average.
It's so slooooow and you only have like 4 attacks.
Most of the game is spent waiting for the enemies to stand up after you hit them 3 times, or waiting for the enemies to show up because they were offscreen.

The best part about it and the only reason you would play this is the presentation. It has voices and everything. If you like sailor moon give this game a chance... then either drop it after the first stage or finish it in one sitting (it's very short)

It's... an idle game
I tried the game, got bored immediately, then downloaded a modded apk to see how far I could get.
It has all the typical stuff from the genre; the "autoclickers", the gradual upgrades, it gives you resources based on the time the game was closed, the upgrades not being enough at a certain point, needing to restart your progress(called ascension in this game) to eventually reach a higher threshold, an upgrade tree exclusively for the ascension currency, if you go far enough into the game you can even restart that progress and ultra ascend... The standard gameplay loop.

It masks the "clicking" with jumping and firing arrows, making you believe it has some sort of actual gameplay but it's the same as clicking your cookie. It does have bonus levels that consist of autorunning platforming, so half a star for that I guess...

Cute story focused "game". It's very short even when you do every ending.

Everyone played this exclusively for the easy platinum trophy lol

This game takes ages to load... static ps2 backgrounds.

It's an adventure/point and click game, with a mediocre plot, bad controls and some jank which will make you instantly fail and die if you don't react very quick and do exactly what the game wants you to do. Aside from those weird glitchy moments, the game and it's puzzles are quite easy.