Nicely weird story, great side characters, but never felt very fulfilling to me.

Great tactical RPG. Would never play this without quicksaves though, since the stealth mechanic is very important and was a bit finicky. I enjoyed the world and diverse character skill due to their races. Doesn't take itself too seriously with buffing items like a beach visor helping with shooting, which I liked.

Great concept. It's been quite a while, but I still remember that everything was terribly slow. I was intrigued though, and got most of the achievements. Would like more modern versions of this.

Quite quickly I felt like the store part wasn't very interesting anymore, but I did want to see the dungeons to the end. Used a guide for pricing then and wrapped it up, but not amazed.

Admittedly, did not play a lot of the game. I beat a couple runs, in which I had fun, but felt slightly out of control at times. Not a fan of the art style, and everything felt less intriguing than in Slay the Spire. I'm sure hardcore fans of StS or the deckbuilder genre can have a grand ol' time with this one, but it wasn't spectacular for me.

The world design is still beautiful, and Faith is still cool, but the open world aspect just doesn't gel. While doing short jobs fits the occupation of Faith well, they feel like the filler content they are, and it even lesses the positives of the main missions. Dropped 5 hours in or so. Perhaps if this was the first game in the series I would have beaten it, but it being a step back hurt too much.

Cool world, core gameplay is sweet. The story is fine, and the devs know that combat isn't what people come for, so they don't put too much of that in there. I'm in no way good at speedily getting accross a level, but it's still super fun, and no other game has achieved this implementation of freerunning.

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I had heard from many people that this was much better than 1. While it certainly has improvements, I had expected a bit more still. The ending came way too sudden and platforming felt a bit too easy. Might still get back to complete some extra caverns and achievements.

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Amazing world, interesting to have experience be linked to how many people's blood you drink. Being a doctor in this world makes for interesting situations while also giving a good reason for you to have healing items and actually making an impact. The combat is not quite my style, but fights still felt epic at times.

Recommended to me a million times from different directions, I had to try at some point. After a grueling installing process of mods through viva new vegas, it was finally time. I did not play with any survival mechanics, as I've never enjoyed those. The guns feel nice, but combat is pretty boring. The quests and conversations are well written, the world/setting is really cool. The gameplay just never really got there for me. Perks don't change quite enough, and with auto-inject stim paks there's not much danger.
Honest Hearts would get an 8/10, great area. Old World Blues a 7.5/10 mostly for the silliness/humor while still providing background into the world. Lonesome road is quite boring, 5/10. Dead money has great companions but terrible gameplay 4/10.

Having played many more open world ubisoft-likes since playing its predecessor, I had no fun with this one. The nemesis system still isn't for me, and nothing big was added.

Thought it was really great when I first started, but unlike many others I don't enjoy the nemesis system. All the immunities building up combined with more orc leaders joining in fights made combat unenjoyable in later stages. I finished the campaign because there are cool powers and the main missions are fine.

Was quite hyped to get into this and V proper, but didn't enjoy my time with this at all, so never tried V either. It looks cool and there are a good amount of options, but I just did not have any fun.

I know this game was a big jump from Max Payne 1 and 2, but I didn't play those before starting this. I had a great time, bullet time is always satisfying for lining up a near infinite amount of headshots, getting out of impossible situations. The favelas have been used in shooters as a setting, but they work so well with enemies able to pop out of every little door or window. I don't recall anything about the story, but if I owned this game on a more convenient platform than Rockstar Social Club I would have refreshed my memory with a replay.

Serviceable one and done shooter. Don't really recall any specifics, but I enjoyed it for the money I paid for it (it was free).