Had fun with sniper rifles, but found most combat skills meh. Controlling your allies felt like an inconvenience rather than a bonus. Companions nice in conversation and writing, but shepard's answers are infuriating at times.

Tried twice, but the gameplay feels so clunky while the story (which most people love) seems to have been long surpassed.

Probably the best stealth game I've ever played. Somehow the 2D makes it much nicer, it feels very tactical. You have a lot of knowledge, so every mistake is truly your fault. While you can do full stealth, you can also break your enemies' psyche and send them packing. Animations are smooth and sounds are satisfying.

Great concept, especially for teamkills in coop. Lot of humor, most of which I appreciated. To progress through the game, you end up mashing the same combo most of the time though.

While many people prefer 1 over 2, I played 2 first and kind of missed the pure combat parts from the war in 2. I still had a nice time, but definitely enjoyed it less than its sequel.

Great setting, fine gameplay. Reminds me of the Godfather game I have a weird amount of nostalgia for.

Having never played a Lost Planet game, nor having ever heard of the series, I had no idea how this got into my library, but it looked intriguing. The setting is cool, the split between on foot and mech gameplay is nice and there's some capitalism bad story, so I enjoyed it. Nothing stellar though, enemies felt quite generic for an alien planet.

When I played this, I hadn't really played any story-based games before and I found it amazing. I bought the physical version after to have the soundtrack and artbook. My feelings since then have cooled a little, on a replay I kind of fell off and I've experienced a lot of story games since then. However, this one is still great, and I really want to get all the achievements sometime.

Got this for the Switch, thinking it would be a nice couch coop game. It runs so incredibly bad it was slightly dizzying, you could sometimes really count the frames and splitting and merging coop views was terrible. Perhaps better on other platforms, but I won't be buying it again to try that.

Fun powers, diverse cast including mutants makes for a nice time. As for most LEGO games, some frustrating puzzles. It hurts to have to look up a LEGO puzzle online, and even more so to then discover the solution makes no sense.

The series fit quite well together somehow. Exploring Middle Earth in a whimsical way is nice. LEGO games always lead to some frustrations in puzzle solutions (with me), but lend themselves to good co-op opportunities.

Not quite as good as the Lord of the Rings entry, especially because they only covered part of the Hobbit story and then were supposed to add the rest later but never did.

This entry got back to the level of the first reboot game in my opinion. Solid gameplay, nice upgrades available.

I felt this didn't improve much on the 2013 entry, but to be honest I was quite happy to have more of the almost-same.

Really enjoyed the first of the reboot series. I know it was thrown around way too much in the reviews back then, but it did show a more vulnerable side to Lara. Sadly the game still wants to give you a big power fantasy, so outside of cutscenes you don't notice much of it. But the bow and semilinear levels made this great for me.