Not as good as FNV but i still love it

This is a game about road trip where your car automatically drives itself while you occasionally stare at screen and mostly playing with your phone. And also it's final fantasy game where story splitted into 10 different media and combat consist of mostly holding one button.

What can be said about something perfect.

I hate rougelike games but i loved this one!

Second half of this game sucks, but i still beat it 8 times. So it's a good game i guess.

Best JRPG of all time. I have only played 5 jrpgs :D

Came here looking for fallout new vegas in medieval settinng but i was disappointed. Maybe in future i'll give it another shot.

I hate abby's design but gameplay,graphics and story to some extend are excellent. If only they gave certain option to kill certain somebody

My favorite game of all time.
There are many good and bad to be found in this game so i believe this is the kind of game you either love it or hate it.
Graphics,physics,VA,gun play and many other things are terrible in this game BUT good things this game does, cant be found in any other games.
The game feels alive asf and you can basically do ANYTHING you want, you have absolute freedom, you can kill everyone including all the important npcs, you can almost enter every single building cave and etc. There are lots of dialouge options you can basically say anything in your mind to npcs. Everything about this game's story&writing is top notch. If you want a real RPG this is the game for you.

I'm bored with one but maybe i'll come back later

As of 30/07/23 this is the best Spider Man game i have ever played.