Okay how many of you mother fuckers actually finished this game.

goddamnit i hate roguelites so much sometimes. I don't feel like im getting stronger or better at the game, rng makes most runs feel like ass. I unlocked all the runes and I have no idea how to progress except grinding cells to get weapons that have dogshit attack patterns goddamnit.

Oh and Game Pass also deleted my saves, nice one

This game was scientifically engineered in a lab to piss me off.

click clak klak click boop bop bp booop

Very fun and cool, too bad the online infrastructure is dog shit - why can't I join a game in progress?

Free and way more interesting than Left 4 Dead, y'all are tripping.

Trying to make Orcs Must Die a PvP game was very cringe, but I liked the different characters in PvE.

I still have no idea how to play Shaman.

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Maybe I am an idiot, because I enjoyed this far more than Outer Wilds. I preferred being able to complete objectives across multiple time loops. The ending is also perfectly wacky, like something out of a JRPG.

Its very much Stanley Parable + Antichamber + Portal. The puzzles get repetitive but I enjoyed the setting, style and humour too much to be upset about it.

I modded the game to play just like FFXII and that is just fine with me.

Way more puzzles than I expected which was a welcome surprise. Post-game exploration feels awesome.

The movement is one of the worst feeling systems in any game ever. The slime ranching has very little to do with the rest of the game and feeding gordo slimes is so tedious.

fuck comic and novel tie-in characters, all my homies hate comic and novel tie-in characters.