Proof that more isn't always better. The levels are really repetitive and the audiovisuals are so dull, I would have much preferred it if it was a shorter, tighter experience.

Area 5 and X are certified hood bangers.

(PS+, played levels in Hitman 3)
I think I 'get' Hitman a little bit more now, the addition of mission stories and paying more attention to the challenges helped me understand what was being asked from me in each map. Silent Assassin isn't actually the most fun way to the play the game and this is made even more clear when some of the challenges ask you to murder civilians with a specific weapon and disguise.

I hated Mumbai but that's only because I hate crowded maps anyway, thought Columbia and the second USA map were awesome and thought The Ark Society was a great finale, though I did get baited into mistaking the expansion maps as part of the main game.

My friend loves Kingdom Hearts.

They haven't gotten past Traverse Town.

Makes KH1 look like a masterpiece :)

hehe i got shot through the floor

Telling me you won't hold my hand is not an excuse to have a confusing opening experience. I walked past god knows how many puzzles because I didn't realise the storytelling hinged on hunting through the environment to find clues - so thanks for that I guess.

I'm gonna pay you $100 to fuck off.

A good port of Gunstar Heroes not just for the fact that its in 3D (duh) but the game features the original Japanese translations as well as optional gameplay modes and CRT filter (which admittedly isn't great). Too bad I don't like the game itself that much.

David Cage doesn't know:
☑️ How women act.
☑️ How black people speak.
☑️ How to write likeable characters.

I really really really appreciate all of the QoL features that this game had - in 1994 we solved random encounters and grinding but apparently no one was paying attention?

I literally can't beat the first level what is this jank


I'm actually blown away by how much more engaging the puzzles are in this game compared to it's contemporaries.