I want to preface this by saying that I'm so glad I continued playing the series and specifically this entry. Even though I got the Master Collection, I was a little disappointed by the first entry and became reluctant to play the next game. Furthermore, when I began playing this game, it was a little boring, and I took a break from it midway through. There didn’t seem to be any sense of direction in the first part of the game, however, halfway in, the story gripped me. The way the theme of misinformation is explored by embracing the medium of video games to the fullest captivated me. I felt at times that the story was held back by the aged gameplay, but as the story progressed, so did its levels of awareness, going beyond its gameplay and becoming a story and experience about the subjectivity of truth and purpose. For me, the Metal Gear franchise started off on the wrong footing, but the latter half of Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty was a beautiful adventure about love and espionage. Without spoiling anything, the more surreal approach this entry took profoundly resonated with me. The continued relevance of the story proves its ingenuity as a prophetic work ahead of its time. I look forward to playing the next one.

This review is strictly on the campaign as I'm not a multiplayer person. All I knew before getting into this game was that it's considered one of the best FPS campaigns out there and is quick to beat; naturally, I was sold. I did not expect to love this game as much as I did. I'm not a huge shooter gamer and suck at the ones I do play. I also had never played an FPS campaign before (Splatoon 2 & 3 being the closest). This game managed to grip me on its straightforward (in a great way) story with its detailed world and lovable characters. I did not expect to love a robot as much as I did. Did I mention the wallrunning? The platforming kept the game fresh from the monotony I hear of other not as good FPS campaigns, although I must clarify the game was never monotonous. Besides being a finely tuned masterpiece, my favorite part had to be: THE MECHS! Using the tracking missile gun was so satisfying and fun and keeping my health up made the final fights very tense. I played this game on regular as that was the recommended difficulty, and as a less experienced FPS player, I'm glad I went with the easier route to have fun instead of getting angry. After playing, I genuinely considered replaying the game, and I think eventually I absolutely will. Although I have heard of the “cinematic experience” in gaming, this was my first truly cinematic experience. I thought Marvel’s Spider-Man was my first cinematic experience in gaming, but Titanfall 2 manages to engross the player with so many delicious mechanics and colorful characters, I believe this to be first time I resonated and enjoyed a campaign so much. If you're not already sold, then I would sell this as the Portal 3 that never came out.

I've been having a great time playing and leveling up with friends. You gotta have friends to play the game though. Otherwise, it's unbalanced and not as fun. Get the game and protect democracy.

I went into this game expecting absolute perfection, which I think effected my overall experience. I also played on hard mode, which in my case I think also negatively impacted my experience. I'll begin with a positive, which was the sound design/music. The parts where you were underground and heard the machinery in the background felt so eerie and realistic. The sound design was perfect as it added another layer of dread while sneaking around the facility. All the music was great and fit the mood the entire time, with the end credits song being my favorite. The fact that this is videogame music from a 90's game also adds to the impressiveness. I really wanted to enjoy this game, but so much of it was either a drag or difficult to a broken degree. The third boss fight really made me reconsider my thoughts on this game for its unbalanced difficulty. Throughout the game, I felt that so many of the bosses were unnecessarily challenging, (specifically the eighth boss ((´д`)) ). I assume I'm really at fault for this for choosing hard mode as my first time playing the MGS series. Even when looking past the gameplay, I felt that the cutscenes were a lot. I knew this before playing the game, but actually experiencing it was different. Although the writing has resonated with so many people, I think it is probably one of the weaker parts of the game. The writing is, objectively speaking, not the best. What at first I viewed as a charming feature of an older game, soon became some what of a nuisance. It was not until I beat the game that I realized the importance and meaning of the game. The ways that it attempts to tackle the themes of war, nuclear threat, destiny, and more is, although not perfect, greatly commendable. When I beat the game and listened to the music as the credits rolled by, I realized that this game was made with a genuine passion for videogames as a medium of expression. The emphasis on the importance of life by the end made the game a worthwhile experience. In a world where games are usually enjoyed to escape from reality, Hideo Kojima and the team behind the game used videogames as a form of spreading awareness about nuclear weapons and personal values. In an interview with Guillermo del Toro about his involvement in Death Stranding, he mentioned how he feels that the cheesiness in the writing of Death Stranding is not cheesy to Kojima, and that he's genuine about it. I felt that about this game too. Even with my critiques, I understand why this game has won the hearts of many, and respect the genuine passion put into a video game in a time when technology was still so limited.

This is my favorite game of all time. Admittedly, I haven't played every masterpiece videogame, but this game is (almost) perfect to me. Everything I loved about the first game was significantly improved. New moves in combat and stealth, awesome graphics, great story, and my favorite part: the suits. Collecting the suits in the last two games were probably my favorite part besides the combat, and the new selection of suits alongside the ones from the previous games were awesome. My favorite suit was probably the Classic Black Suit because of how sleek it is. I don't want to spoil anything, but everything venom was so awesome. Before I got the game, I was a bit on edge with all the drama about the woke content in the game, and when I started playing I even felt scammed. There is some woke stuff in the game, but it's pretty early on. I get the vibe that they were told to put those topics in the game, so they just put them early on to get them out of the way. The beginning is really slow, until about two hours in when the symbiote appears. After that, the games gets better and better. Yeah the gay stuff was pretty annoying, but I think people were overexaggerating, because it didn't ruin the game like what other people were saying. I loved getting all the collectibles, and platinuming the game was great all around. If you get the chance to play this game, please do, it really is awesome.

Of course, you can't expect Half-Life 3 from a free game made to show off the capabilities of the PS5, but it was still a pretty fun game. I really enjoyed seeing all the references to PlayStation games and seeing the history of old hardware. With this being the first next-gen game I played coming from PS4, the graphics in this game were great. The graphics were just as well complemented with the incredible use of the haptic feedback on the DualSense controller. After beating Spider-Man on PS4, I wanted to get another platinum, and this one made for a fun and easy one to get. Overall, I enjoyed my time with this game, and am happy to have this game platinumed.

As you may have already seen from other reviews, this is the ultimate Batman game. It's the cleanest, largest, and most detailed and immersive interpretation of the Caped Crusader in video game format. Ever since the first game in the trilogy, driving the Batmobile has always been an elusive dream of mine, so when I saw the Batmobile for the first time and got to drive it and blow up enemies, it was absolutely amazing. I really felt like Batman from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The combat was it's smoothest yet, and blowing up enemy tanks with the Batmobile was super fun. I played the game on hard, and the final tank fight was actually quite difficult, but other than that no extreme difficulty spikes. The gameplay did admittedly get somewhat repetitive near the end, but the story and smooth combat made me push through. The story was also the most interesting of the Rocksteady trilogy, starting off with the death of the Joker, and its effects on Batman's mental state throughout the game. The theme of fear throughout the whole game, from Batman's fear of killing, to Scarecrow's ideologies of fear, made for a very compelling story. The character of the Arkham Knight is my favorite villain and character in all of the Batman games. The unanticipated ending was wonderfully unique, unexpected, and memorable. I played this game on the base PS4, and the graphics were still amazing. There were some considerable drops in refresh rates at times, but I made do with them. The only thing that doesn't make this a perfect game was the redundancy in gameplay around the end. If you don't care at all about Batman (which I find hard to believe) it might not be the game for you, but as a fan of the Dark Knight trilogy and The Batman (2022), it was an incredible game, with awesome graphics, a compelling story, and great gameplay.

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This game is troubling to me. I loved the story, and especially the unique way it tells the story, and embraces the medium of videogames. However, I'm not as adept in videogames as many others, and the game's difficulty is something that personally made it hard to finish the game. This is my first Soulsborne game ever mind you, and I understand that there is a market for these challenging games. I also do not believe that all games should hold your hand all the time. For me though, I never got to the point where I felt good at the game. I know that there are people who are good at the game, and I know that for some people, this level of challenge and continual improvement is a great thing. For me though, it was hard to endure seeing the, "YOU DIED" all the time. The game still had so many amazing things though, that I pushed through to the end. I didn't beat all the bosses, only the mandatory ones and some of the optional ones. The enemy designs, symbolism, weapon designs, beautiful architecture, and overall ambience are something that clearly took an immense amount of passion, and that level of passion and creativity never drops throughout the entire game. The game, even when hard, is extremally precise. I loved how the layout of the world was made, because it let me remember and attain a personal connection with the all the paths as if I lived there. The game was a real journey that I won't be forgetting soon. Not a single moment of the game is forgettable. Every part of this world is so diverse and grueling, while you're just a little hunter. The story from what I got from it is very deep and meaningful, and I intend to watch some videos explaining it. Its difficulty made it hard for me to fall in love with the game as much as other did, but it really was an experience, one that I think all people should at least try.

I this DLC in the GOTY edition of Batman: Arkham City. The DLC is just more Batman. I had anticipated a lot more Robin, as that was how it started, but it was really just some extra content for Batman. DLC was fun, continuing the story after the surprising ending of the game, but but not extremely interesting. It wasn't very long at all, so I would say it was worth the time.

Everything about the first game, polished to a scientific perfection. For the theme of the game, everything has so much life, from the animations, to the voice acting. Wheatly is such a great addition to the game, and the added lore to the series was genuine and really added to the extra life that was given to the game. The puzzles were great, the improved graphics were awesome, and overall this amazing game somehow was able to make the first game (which was also an amazing game) look like a baby game. I must repeat, everything about the first game was perfected down to a science. You can feel that the developers were so invested genuinely cared about this game. This game is an amazing model of a great game in all aspects.

Amazing game that even after over a decade and a half, its influence on the gaming industry is still seen. The portal mechanic was so revolutionary and enthralling, that people still find joy today playing with portals. The comical and sarcastic writing holds up incredibly, and genuinely made me laugh at times. The only reason I gave it a nine was so that I can give Portal 2 a ten. A must-play game with an immense and enduring influence on gaming as a whole.

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The new additions such as the Venom powers and invisibility were great, however, the game was somewhat lackluster when compared to the first one. I understand though, as this game was released as more of a demo/DLC for the PS5, rather than a complete game, which I assume is why there is no number in the name. The first encounter with Rhino was great, but as the game went on, I realized that the game was a little overhyped simply because it was another Spider-Man game from Insomniac. Everything amazing about the first Spider-Man game got transferred over fortunately, but there wasn't enough new stuff to make me really love this game as much as the first one. I understand that it is more of a demo, but it is in no means better than the prior Spider-Man game. The story was dry, which isn't really a huge fallback since the main appeal of the Spider-Man games are the combat, but when compared to all the villains you got to fight in the first game, it got a little boring fighting the Underground all the time. Even with the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app, the world felt a little empty. I'm not sure if this was a personal thing though, or if this sentiment was also shared with other players. To sidetrack a bit, I don't understand why they called his bioelectricity abilities, "Venom," as everyone already knows Venom as the character. I know that they explained it in the game, saying that his attacks hurt like Venom or something along the lines of that, but they should've given it a different name. It bugged me throughout the game. As a PS4 player the game had some pretty significant frame drops at times during big fights, which was unfortunate but understandable. Of course I would still recommend the game if you enjoyed the first one, as it is more Spider-Man content, but when viewing this as a standalone game, it can be a little lacking.

REFRESHED REVIEW! Beat the main game and the DLC. Great quality of life improvements from the last game and enhanced graphics. Main gripe about the PS4 release of this version was the frame drops. When I would use the grappling gun to go through the city, there would always be frame drops. The rest of the game was awesome, being able to fight and meet even more of the villains from the series, with an unexpected ending. Combat is heavily improved and made smoother. The Catwoman parts are kinda lame, but they aren't that long, so it's ok. This game was a lot easier and more satisfying to chain combos, as the fighting was smoother and more complex than the last game. I haven't done any of the sidequests other than the Catwoman ones. I tried to, but they felt too menial and unimportant. I may change my mind on this, but for now I'm not doing them. I wish the sidequests were more interesting, as they include more of the lesser known villains from the Batman universe, but I don't want to waste my time when Batman Arkham Knight is waiting for me. As with the DLC, it's just more Batman. I had anticipated a lot more Robin, but it was really just some extra content for Batman. DLC was fun, but but not extremely interesting.

I love Tetris, and it's so awesome to be able to play what is basically Tetris 99 or Tetris Friends on a more accessible version. Although I haven't really indulged in this area, I still think it's super cool that you can change your controls and the sensitivities of different actions. This game is somewhat the forefront of competitive modern Tetris. The soundtrack is surprisingly amazing for a Tetris game. I haven't tried Tetris Effect yet, but this is actually one of my favorite game soundtracks. It's amazing that this is an indie game, and I support any future endeavors of the developers.

Since you can legally pirate this game now because Sony dropped the license, I decide to play this game after watching a video on the game(Tamago2474 anyone?). Although the game is simple, its really fun to play through this what is basically an episode of the Simpsons, but lengthened out enough for a game. The idea of playing as the different members of the family and causing chaos throughout all the memorable spots in the show as you race Krusty the Clown to Krusty Burger is executed so well that it's absoluty worth playing. It's not a long game to beat, and it's really super fun to play an original episode from the good days of the Simpsons in videogame format.