One of the most boring games I've ever played. This shit is piss easy to the point that you can beat it with your eyes closed lol.

I think all of you who aren't playing Pizza Tower should stop not playing Pizza Tower, and instead play Pizza Tower

I never want to look at this ugly-ass game ever again.

HI-FI Rush is genuinely one of the best most refreshing games I've ever played.

Music, style, gameplay & length is perfect. ADORE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.

This game is both fucking awesome and "what were they thinking!" at the same time.

Shit like having abysmal pacing. Sidequest that felt like chores. Literally, the most repetitive enemies I've seen in both an RPG and an action game. The game kind of peaked at titan and went downhill from there in terms of quality control. The finale saved this game's ass in my opinion.

Despite all of that, this is probably the best single-player main-line Final Fantasy since the PS2 era.

Can't say much about the multiplayer stuff, but this is among my top favorite first-person shooters of all time. I can't describe how explosively Titanfall 2 annihilated my expectations.

This game isn't the most impressive in terms of raw graphics, but the way Asobo animated the giant swarms of plague rats is outstanding. It's some seriously creepy shit.

Hazelight is becoming one of my favorite developers in the past recent years. This is another huge win for them, and it might be their best game to date. For the amount of insane gameplay variety, would have gladly paid $100 for this game. Pure joy from beginning to end!

Some great moments, but I can't get into this, even after finishing this years ago. I get bored after the first couple of missions, and the gameplay and story are lackluster.

Elevator pitch: you're an extremely pissed-off gorilla who goes on murderous rampages while an amazing, dynamic percussion soundtrack blasts through your ears. It's the DOOM 2016 of jazz.

One of my top ten games of all time. An absorbing, masterful love letter to Batman from start to finish.

Might as well call it "Crash Bandicoot Bore: It's a Waste of Time".

It has a really killer art-direction and some alright scary stuff (for the most part). But it launched in a pretty rough state, and the finale is absolutely terrible. Such a shame.

The campaign is a slog and a half, but the actual meat and potatoes gameplay is ace. Nails the style and energy of the source material to a T.