literally the best rpg experience in the 2000s. Holy shit this game is so fucking fun, charming, and good

genuinely one of the best movement shooters around. This would be a 5/5 if it was completed

it's pretty good. with 778 hours on record, I've had some fun...

such a good remake of the original Half Life. The only problem is that xen drags for a bit too long, but still really fucking good.

Genuinely has one of the best Mario stories of all time, without a doubt. The gameplay is also super fun, with the world being incredibly large, and filled with so many memorable characters and locations. Also Dimentio my beloved

funny DSM raged at the hard mode final boss, I beat it on my third try. Dumbfuck

5/5 game. Literally the best game on the switch. please play it

Undertale is an experience to be had. You can't really describe it yourself. Wherever you play this, it's pretty cheap, so even if you don't like it, you'll get your money's worth anyway

5/5 game. This shit is perfect. The story is interesting. The puzzles are fun. The characters are funny and witty. Please fucking play this game if you haven't

Genuinely the fucking best switch platformer


Great story, boring as fuck gameplay, really hold back the experience

Actually amazing, they made everything from the last two games good. My only complaints is that some maps are too chokepointy and tentamissile exists.

Pretty underwhelming at launch, got better as it went on