Silver Linings (Things I love about games I don't)

Shamelessly pinched from Phantasm's list, counteracting some of my own hateritis with some positivity.

If a game I've reviewed negatively isn't here it's because the review itself has some genuine praise.

The spritework is gorgeous, and while I castigated the game for how brown it is I actually think their ability to translate standard 40k setpieces into the old DOOM style is remarkable.
Driving across the map was a surprisingly serene experience, especially at sunset. I have a weak spot for desert regions in the evening, I guess.
As far as TTRPG adaptations go, I think Minthara is perhaps the best depiction of the Lawful Evil aligned ever committed to code and her character is utterly phenomenal, as is her voice acting.
Every mission on the Liberator of Rubicon path is jaw dropping, especially the finale, holy shit.
The accessory system is amazing in its complexity and allows for miniscule accentuations that so many games with customization fumble.
Ship customization actually being reflected in your ship's layout was ABSURD, and I did really like the shipbuilding as a whole.
It has Kuma and Enel! Two of OF's most fun!
As far as scale goes, this is the closest we'll ever get to a Warhammer Fantasy RPG. It's just gorgeous. Also, Selene's feet.
Probably one of the few games to attempt casette futurism that actually sticks the landing, and a lot of the Replicant lore is genuinely quite interesting.
The most creative combat I have ever seen in a turn based game.
Weapons changing Megaman's design is such a wonderful idea to crib from Battle Network.
That soundtrack is obscene.
Outside of sim games I still haven't found any shooter that feels as good to just move and shoot in than Destiny 2.
I'm a gorewhore. I like it when girls are fucked up. In StP, you can FUCK that girl up.
Probably one of the best soundtracks RGG Studios have ever put out. That Brutality remix is inhuman.
I've come around to the gameplay and actually find it deeply relaxing. Platonic ideal of a podcast game once you mute the dialogue.
I REALLY appreciate the effort put in to make the party less Cloud-centric and more individualistic.
Ascended soundtrack, truly marvelous shit.
It has more flaws than most of my other Bottom 25 but man... Divorce it from its own story and it's a frankly amazing recreation of FO1's atmosphere in a 3D space, and even now after having soured on it 10 times over I still get chills walking around DC.
One of the worst games I've ever played, only ever got worse during my ten years with it and yet it singlehandedly revived my creative streak after quarantine killed it and through it I met many of the most important figures in my life. Plus there is a bevy of good writing tucked away in side material. Shoutout

Also, the soundtrack is amazing up until 5.0.
Aquaman.exe is my friend :)
To this day it still has some of my fav FE designs and also Camilla. Was a banquet for foot fetishists.
On a pure gameplay level it's great and it has some of the better KH bosses.
Shining Lights, Even In Death is a masterful intersection of story and gameplay that I still gas up even 9 years later, despite this being one of my least favourite games ever made.

Also, the performances are exceptional.
Letting you forego the dialogue cheat augment (which the game nudges you towards constantly) and being able to talk characters down just by understanding them and their worldview is so fucking cool man.


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