Very fun combat, which carries it. The story is mediocre, the level design is extremely basic, and the upgrades are hit or miss. But the combat, once you have enough weapons and upgrades, feels really fun. Worth checking out at a discount for sure. Better than Flying Wild Hogs previous game, Shadow warrior 3, but I'm hoping their next game can hit at least the level design mark a bit better

Wonderfully told story, essential if you like a good narrative.

5 stars when I win, 0 stars when i get hit with the blue shell 5 inches from the finish line and finish 8th

Played this with my GF when it released, was an incredibly fun game with a story that was good to laugh at. But the artistic direction and the co op focused gameplay were wonderful.

Its a good game, not for me. Building and crafting in games is almost always dull to me. If your into survivalcraft style games, you've probably already played this obviously, but it'll be your jam. Not my thing at all

Simple autobattler roguelike, with a cool inventory management gimmick. Unfortunately the later difficulties seem overly reliant on the metaprogression upgrades, and the inventory management isn't as clean or easy to navigate as it should be. The music was very bland and generic, muted after about 30 minutes of play. Overall, its not bad but certainly not great either.

This game is such a mixed bag for me. On the one hand the art direction is wonderful and I loved looking at the game, outside of the fan servicey moments. The combat is also pretty fun, albeit easy. The story, and the world building though are at the absolute best of times, generic. And at absolute worst, it's extremely poorly written with annoying characters and convoluted plot. The level design Is very uninspired and along with the dragging story was a major reason I decided to shelve it after about 11 hours. I don't know how much of the game was left but I just couldn't force myself through it any more. If the combat was a bit better, if the level design was more involved or if the story was any good, I could see myself finishing it

Even the parts of the game I enjoy come with caveats, and the parts I hate are really grating. There are much better cyberpunk games, even if this game has some pretty good positives.

Very solid and underrated 2D skateboarding game. It has that zen feeling you get in Tony hawk when you get a great combo going. I personally prefer the 3D style of Tony hawk since it's easier to get in that zen trick state, and aometimes the controls aren't as responsive as I'd like and I'd miss a grind I know I hit, it's still a really solid skateboarding game I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys them.

I feel like I really tried with this game. First of all, I never played the original, but i imagine 1 full game has gotta be better than a 3rd of a game stretched out into 1 full game. To be honest though I never would have tried it if it wasn't on PS+, occasionally I want to play something I dont normally like, and this didn't win me over.

The combat i'll say, is really fun. I like the blend of turn based and action combat, but unfortunately, at least in the bit i played, there just isn't enough of it for me to keep going. Every 5 minutes i have to listen to another poorly written generic line of anime dialogue that makes me wanna chuck my controller. A bit hyperbolic, but man i really do not care about ANYONE in this game. From what I understand, this is about the first 6-8 hours of FF7 put into a 40ish hour game, and man, you can really tell. This is more stretched out than persona, I cannot stand how everything screeches to a halt every hour so i can 'get to know' the characters i guess, but they're all boring and I don't care about them, and I don't wanna hear their damn anime grunting anymore.

Someone make this games combat and either write a better story or just take it out entirely and i'll be on board. This isn't it for me.

Got it on a whim and unfortunately its just not good. First of all, the framerate on PS5 is all over the place. Sometimes it'll run at a solid 60 for a bit, but most of the time it jitters between 30-50. A game that looks like this shouldn't have these kinds of issues. The gameplay is also severely lacking. The hitboxes are really awful, the weapons dont have great impact, the enemies are dull and boring, and any time you get hit it has a weird freeze effect on your character that just feels awful. The art was pretty okay, i suppose. The story had a kinda interesting beginning, but with the framerate and gameplay being as bad as they are i dont care to see it out. Just stick to souls games or the very few actually good souls likes.

Solid and diverse gunplay, some fun bosses, interesting classes. Everything else about the game is pretty mediocre but its carried by just having fun gameplay, a solid roguelike FPS.

At its current state in EA its pretty good but just a little too RNG dependent, the boons are extremely imbalanced and if you dont get one of the few builds that can actually win, you're pretty much screwed until you can grind up enough equipment. I'm fine with a grind but I need to feel like i'm making progress, this game loses that fairly quickly in its current state, but its still pretty fun for a few hours.

Hopefully 1.0 improves things, I'll return to the game then

Fantastic fast paced roguelike with some really fun levels and bosses

Very chill game where you make ice cream for people. Satisfying and full of content.