Its an alright game but I just find RoR2 better in pretty much every way, the 3D plane helps a lot with navigation and knowing how to get to the teleporter, not knowing where the teleporter is in this is so frustrating. Also the printers and scrapers in RoR2 were great, it let you mitigate some of the RNG and really get a strong build, but in this sometimes you just get the worst luck with nothing you can really do to mitigate it. The platforming is also just really bad, and a lot of the new challenges work around it, which I find quite frustrating. Grabbing a rope often doesn't happen if your firing and sometimes just doesn't happen at all, the magnetic pull of the ropes can really screw you.

Overall, I dont hate it and i'm sure i'll dabble in it with friends but I'd rather just play RoR2

No idea what the state of the game is now, but when I played it was the best competitive shooter on the market, played over 400 hours.

Weird game that confused me a lot but was unique enough to keep me interested

I dont really get why this game has such a poor rep here, granted its been a while since i've played but i've had a great time in it with friends. Pretty fun smash-like fighter.

Really solid, great progression, fun levels and bosses. Much better than the original

Gameplay was a good time, story was pretty boring as someone not really into warhammer.

Didn't play the original but the story in this was pretty good. Gameplay kinda ehhh

I'm logging into the information superhighway

Currently the best ARPG imo. Maybe POE2 will trump it

Very cool idea with solid execution, the humor mostly lands and the narrative is pretty good. The actor for Jeremy Donaldson carries

Solid roguelike, not much else to say. The horny isn't for me but the games pretty good

I've only played about 5 hours of it but it was a solid roguelike FPS. Guns felt really good, variety in levels was a bit lacking though.

I'll get back to this one day but what I played was quite good, good level design, solid guns, good enemy variety. Once the DLC is out i'll probably come back to this, it was a good time.

Solid open world adventure with pretty fun traversal and combat. Didn't hold me to the end credits but it was a good time for about 15 hours.

Pretty good old school dungeon crawler. I really enjoyed the setting and the old school art style, a lot of the visuals looked like they were taken straight from morrowind and it looked great. Sound design was also solid, my biggest issue with the game comes from a lack of a map, honestly. My reaction to being lost in a game is initial wonder, then quickly frustration. A little bit of being lost is fine, but i found myself frustrated more often then I would have liked. A lot of ambiguous puzzle design that I'm not a huge fan of that makes it unlikely i'll do any of the extra side stuff or the other ending. Overall though, I did enjoy it, a pretty good dungeon crawler.