Replaying this after we lost the late Kevin Conroy. Holy shit this game was awesome. The music, the graphics, the combat's...a little clunky but ok. But man, the story! It's so fucking good.

Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as Joker in this epic game is the selling point for me. Everyone else is brilliant too. I just loved this game. It's not the best gameplay wise in the series but it is still a strong game.

RIP Kevin Conroy. You will always be the best Batman. And proof that live-action is not always the best interpretation of a character or franchise.

Fun fact. This was gonna Mark Hamill's last performance as the Joker. But he came back for Arkham Knight so it's all good. Haha!

Protocol 10 will commence in 10 hours. God I love that line. This game rocks!

Goddamn this game is beautiful. No wonder it won Game of the Year. (RIP God of War.)

Hard as fuck. But fun gameplay, cool monsters and amazing visuals and music.

Pretty damn epic.

Yeah no. This game is epic. The best Harry Potter game I've played. The graphics are great, the combat is so much fun and I love the customization options. Such a fun RPG.

Slytherin gang by the way. Deal with it.

Yeah. This is as shit I've heard. Completely fucking broken with bad controls, awkward gameplay and tedious levels.

Superman? More like Supershit!

I am absolutely enjoying the journey I'm taking on this game so far. The possibilities are limitless with your character and the choices you make along the way. Pure D&D at it's finest!

There's so much to enjoy in this game. Neat graphics, fun combat and awesome gameplay.

Bloody epic! Plus fun sexy times too. Kek.

This review contains spoilers

Insomniac, you crazy bastards. Ya done it again!

This is the best Spider-Man game ever made. It tops the first one insanely. From the story, the visuals, to the web swinging. Everything about this is top fucking notch.

The main story had me on edge throughout the majority of playing it and it gave me in my opinion, the best version of Kraven we've ever had. He's such a beast in this game and I love him. Same for Venom too. Harry is just sick as Venom and I kinda prefer him over Eddie Brock, not gonna lie. (Suck it, Tom Hardy). And I love how they hype up the next game with Norman. Ooooooh! Shit's gonna get even more nuts when Goblin comes out to play. So hyped!

The two Spider-Men work great. I will say however, Miles to me is the superior Spider-Man out of the two. Peter is great with the symbiote and all but I found Miles to be more fun to play as. And his story was just brilliant in this. Peter had a good story too with Harry and MJ but I really enjoyed Miles' story more in my opinion.

However, Yuri Lowenthal gives an amazing, spectacular, ULTIMATE performance as Peter and he is so fucking good when the symbiote takes over. Channeling his inner Christopher Daniel Barnes and Josh Keaton, Yuri really unleashes his full raw talent as Symbiote Spider-Man. Such terrific voice acting and worthy of several awards.

The boss battles are way better in this game. They actually have health bars this time! Woo-hoo! And they're more strategic which I love. My favourite boss fight? Probably Lizard or Venom. They were awesome.

Speaking of Venom some more. HOLY SHIT! You actually get to play as him in this game for a mission and I am already begging for a Venom DLC right fucking now. That mission was amazing where you fight through Oscorp and beat the shit out of Kraven. So fucking good.

The suits are great as always. But I must admit...I'm kinda disappointed with Peter's. I am glad they kept some of my favourites from the first game and they added ones I wanted (Maguire's Black Suit, thanks Insomniac and the Classic Black Suit), I hate how so many of their slots are just filled with Tom Holland's suits. Did we really need all of them again? But I am glad they added Andrew Garfield's Amazing 2 suit! That is an awesome costume.

Also Spider-Verse Noir suit? Beauty.

Miles' suits are more appealing in my opinion. The Spider-Verse suits are great but I love the newer ones added in. Their design is so cool.

So yeah. This game is spectacular. Best Spidey game ever made. Period. We're gonna have a lotta fun with this. Game of the Year material alongside Baldur's Gate 3. Super epic!

Wolverine gonna be good if they keep it up.

Played this for half an hour and deleted it. I just couldn't get into it because of how slow it was. So boring and bland. How the fuck is this at 30FPS on a PS5? Arkham Knight runs better than this crap.

Very disappointing...

Star Wars Disco slaps!

Fucking hate that Podrace level though. What a bitch.

Awesome game though. Good fun.

WWE 2K22 definitely lives up to it's tagline: It Hits Different!

After nearly 3 years it is totally worth the wait. The gameplay is 10 times better, controls are a lot better with them paying homage to the PS2 era of WWE Games (GOLDEN DAYS!) and the graphics are the best they ever have been.

Online is broken right now due to the overwhelming servers that I can hardly go on Community Creations to look at custom wrestlers and arenas but hopefully they get fixed very soon.

GM Mode rocks! It is so good to see it back after 15 years and even though it doesn't have everything we wanted, being able to have your custom wrestler as a General Manager is so much fun!

Showcase is awesome! Rey Mysterio was the best choice for this year's showcase. A good variety of matches but I do wish they added his match from WrestleMania 22. (Where the hell is Kurt Angle?!)

MyRise? Honestly. Best MyCareer they have done so far. It's so good! They actually got it right this time. Looking forward to playing more of it.

Overall, this game is epic! The best 2K game in a very long time. They finally came out of autopilot and are steering this ship in the right path now. Hopefully now they just keep getting better every year. Go on, 2K! You can do it.

THQ would be so proud. 'sniff'.


This is still my favourite GTA game of all time. Everything about it is just so epic. The gameplay, the time-set, the city, the music. Fucking beautiful.

People that say San Andreas is the best, I respectfully disagree. Vice City just has the better vibes for me. I love it.

RIP Ray Liotta. He was perfect as Tommy Vercetti. Such a good fella. (wink wink)

Demolition Man can do one, though. Worst mission ever.

HOLY SHIT! This game is just GODLIKE!

When it comes to UT2004, you can't go wrong. It's another badass shooter that to this day still holds up as one of the best shooters of all time. A lot of good stuff came from UT especially the Announcer soundbites. Those are the main highlight.

I miss the days of good old Unreal Tournament. They'll always be better than that pussy ass shooter game you kids got now. What's that called again? Fortsome-- who cares?! Play Unreal Tournament. This is a real shooter!

Yeah this game slaps. Its just fucking awesome.

This was a fun game. It was awesome to hear some legendary Spider-Man voice actors come back to be different Spider-Man which was the highlight for me. (Barney Stinson back as Spider-Man and C.D Barnes from 90's Cartoon as Noir are the two best imo.)

Also, the levels are great. Noir is probably my favourite. Hard as fuck but really fun to play.

Very epic game. Spider-Verse style.

Alright, PS3 Era Tekken now! Let's do it.

So Tekken 6 has what I believe to be, the best graphics out of all the Tekken games by far. The FPS is so smooth it feels like you're playing it on the PS5. However, on the PS3 at least there's one big problem.

The game takes forever to fucking load. Takes like 2 minutes for a match to load which is really annoying.

Scenario Campaign is a lot of fun. I love the way it's made but it's a hard son of a bitch. Especially Nightmare Train!

Azazel is the hardest boss ever. And an absolute cheat with his auto-armor bullshit. Such a fucking pain in the ass to fight.

Nancy? Well, it took me 4 years to beat it but when I did, so satisfying! lol

As for Jin turning evil, eh. I'm ok with it but the twist is a bit odd. He started World War III just to lure out Azazel? Fucking nut. Lars is ok as the main protagonist. So yeah.

This game has the best customization by the way out of all the games. It's so goddamn expensive but there's so much it's epic. Why they toned it down in Tekken 7 I don't know.

But yeah, Tekken 6 has a few problems but I loved it. Best graphics, great story mode and a lot of fun.

Is it the best Tekken game? Graphics-wise yes. But the rest? Definitely not. But it is one of the best in my opinion. Glad I got the Limited Edition too. Those 3P costumes for Jin and Kazuya are sick!

(P.S. Why does Kazuya's face remind me of Christopher Lee in this game? What's up with that? Not complaining though. Sir Christopher was badass.)

One of the best games ever. Being really honest about that. Graphics are great, gameplay is fun and the story is just excellent!

Now give us Half-Life 3. We can still dream dammit!

This game basically goes back to it's roots with the 3D gameplay which I'm glad. It got rid of everything wrong with the 4th game which I'm glad.

Story Mode is excellent. The interludes are great but man, some of the characters are buried in this one. (Paul, Kazuya, Law.) Reason I said Kazuya is that he doesn't really do anything in the canon story to this game than take over G-Corp.

But, of the hardest bosses in fighting game history. He's an absolute dick to fight. But nowhere near as hard as Azazel! (Oh, I'll get to you soon bitch!)

To be fair, the AI in this game can get difficult. It's a weird rotation. You beat one guy who was a cakewalk but then in the next fight, you get your ass handed. Press Continue then you beat the shit out of him. It's fucking weird. (Either that or I suck hard which I very much doubt. Fuck you lol)

Arcade History is cool. Nice to play the classic Arcade Tekken games and remember how hard and enraging they were.

Devil Within? Fun little mini-game for Jin. Is it canon? Probably not. Though it's cool seeing Ogre again. Can be a bit repetitive at times but not too bad.

So yeah overall, this game is fine. I do prefer Tekken 4 in my opinion but 5 ain't too bad. It's better gameplay wise but I do miss the darker story from the 4th game.

Also, Jin just turns evil at the end after killing Jinpachi. Wouldn't it have made more sense if Devil Jin won the tournament at the end of the story? Jin finally losing himself to the Devil ala Tekken 2 with Kazuya. Jeez, Namco. Get better with your details.

P.S. The opening is sick!