I just don't think this game works in any single way


Good game, although I admit I did use a guide to complete it 'cause it's kinda confusing

Played a few hours in and I think it's alright, though not as good as the original trilogy

Amazing story, characters, soundtrack and great gameplay. Nothing really more to say other than this game is a masterpiece

The game is just a bunch of random dialogue that tries to sound smart but is just a bunch of bullshit

There's a lot of random shit to do and the story is also good I guess

Pretty okay when it comes to Telltale games but not as memorable as the Walking Dead games are

Amazing game and one of my all time favorites

Pretty good story-based indie game

It's just a good story tbh and one of the games I always kinda feel nostalgic when I see again

Finished it several times on all routes and it was never boring. It has good characters, a good story, soundtrack etc. which all adds up to make a great game

In my opinion, the best of the Tomb Raider series, and I think it mixed the story and gameplay elements really well

There isn't really anything bad I can say about Tetris, it's just fun to pass time playing it some times

There's too much shit for my liking