It's so sad and depressing, and a masterpiece of survival horror genre. it's pure work of art.

Story wise it's kinda fun sometimes but sometimes it's completely ass. before the final confrontation story was just dragging out. it's kinda hard to follow sometimes like I had to google and watch videos couple of times. after all it's just a porn game. Developer explored all their fetishes in this game, cow, fish, vampire and what not. And one last question, what's main character's relationship with Debbie? is she his mom or what. it's hella awkward and who's jenny to mc.

Lego games are always fun to play. This was first lego game I've ever played so playing it again was kinda nostalgic even though I didn't completed it back then. Played it for hours. I believe Lego Star Wars games are better than this, I guess? But I love all of these equally. Afterall I had fun.

Kinda looks like a cross breed between Warzone and Free fire. Kinda fun but seriously there are better alternatives. There isn't much to do so it kinda gets boring. Still a worth trying for once.

kinda awful game, gets really boring and repetitive. Weird controls and levels gets really hard because of this. Only things good in this are just same things which makes us love Batman TAS in general.

Alright so I'm not gonna play this. Only reason I wanted to play this cuz I was about to play 3rd game on psp so I thought I should play 1st and 2nd too. But I just can't get into this game. Maybe this genre isn't for me. Idk how control works there isn't even a tutorial. Trust me graphics and slow gameplay isn't my problem, it's just this gameplay mechanic (if it's called rpg) isn't my thing and I really have no idea how to shoot the gun. I still might play the 3rd game tho cuz I some gameplays and it was third person shooter.

Thought it was kinda boring in start but as the story progressed I can definitely say it's a strong entry in this franchise. Maybe not good as Silent 1 or 2 but better than Origins for sure. There was more silent Hill lore in this connecting stories from Silent 1 and origins and had lots of references to Silent hill 2 as well. I usually plays with's walkthroughs cuz they have straightforward easy guides to help in tough situations and some funny word plays. I'll play Silent Hill 4 sometime later I think. gonna finish Yakuza 1 for now.

Downloaded this. It sucked up my 8-9 gbs of data while it just showed me that it was downloading 2.3 gb. Game started, finished the tutorial mission. Finally started the main game, high latency error. Matchmaking never got completed. Deleted. I know it's in beta but still what's the point if it doesn't start at all. Maybe it will be fixed after global launch. I love these tactical shooters so I'll be waiting.

it was heating up my phone like crazy. kinda fresh for a mobile generic horror game, and afterall it's a indie game made by small people I'll give it that. But it's just relies too much on jumpscares.

Really not a big fan of beat em ups games, I said it already. This game however was kinda fun but there are few things that made me leave it . There are too many loadings, gets kinda boring while just fighting and fighting and roaming in city. There is some freeze loading problems in city as well. And I have more games on my play list so I'm gonna just shelve it for now but I might pick it up later.

This gotta be my least favourite SH Game, oh wait no, still better than ascension. Good stuff in this are music, graphics, story and some cool n scary stuff, and new mechanics. They tried to do something new with this one like first person parts and half of game based in one room. Overall not worth a replay for me. Still a decent game.

Mann I really wanted to play this. But I saved my last save in a wrong place and I can't escape this place without dying. only way to get out of this situation is starting from beginning 😭. I'll start this game again sometime later when I'll get my new pc setup cuz it's hard to aim in touchscreen with ps2 emulator joy stick.

I remember playing it a long time ago. but never played much of story tho. but this time I finished it 100%. Story is fun, LCS's story is better imo. I'm comparing these 2 because they are same in many ways. but anyways must play if u love GTA games.

lagged as hell in my phone