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Taking a break from my (evolution of gaming) since im kinda depressed right now.

Fallout New Vegas is a great game, really the whole game is amazing from an rpg standpoint, the gunplay while outated isnt bad, my only real gripe with the game are the endings.
I played every ending and i found all of the kinda underwhelming.
Mr House has an amazing reveal and design but sadly isnt a boss so killing him just feels cheap, i wished the looked more to the Master from Fallout 1 for inspiration.
I also found the hype up for the Platinum Chip and the final use for it just meh.
I liked the hoover dam fight tho especially the speech checks.
The game is full of great writing, companions, side quest(i especially liked vault 34 and 22 btw how do people struggle so much with 22 i found navigating it really easy) etc.
Its just a shame that the end just left me sitting like thats it?
Its probably the fault of time constraints by bethesda.
The DLC range from okay to Amazing.
Honest Hearts 4/10
Joshua Graham and the automatic 45 were its only saving graces for me i just didnt give a damn about the tribes and the story
Old World Blues 9/10
Really adore the humor in this i cried laughing so many times, while first getting introduced to the scientists and debating with my brain were so funny.
Dead Money 7/10
Cool aesthetic, cool story, cool villain, but to short so everything is just kinda good for me but nothing stands out. Wish it had been more of a real heist dlc tbh.
Lonesome Road 10/10
The whole Map/world of this dlc is so much better thant the basegame, The Divide is an amazing to explore and look at place, far better than just walking around a desert.
Ulysses reveal about you delivering the bomb codes that destroyed the divide really gives the courier a great backround and great roleplay possibilities and the endfight with Ulyssses ist probably my favorite part of the whole game really a great Boss(looking at you Mr house)
In the End i liked the yes man ending the most and despite all the bugs and problems the game has its still Amazing.
Obligatory War, War never changes mention.

It was such a perfect game and then came the Inverted Castle
so lets just forget the second Part and review the First:

I was hooked in from the start.
The Music throughout the game is so fcking good its probably one of my Favorite Game Soundtracks. All the Bosses were really good. The designs too especially the Granfaloon. I just had so much Fun i couldnt wait to keep playing the exploration is superb and the fight mechanics are super smooth.
Also really enjoyed the Inventory part of the game in comparison to other games of the genre like Metroid.
The whole aesthetic and the sprites were really good looking. Just look at the Lava part of the catacombs, Gorgeous!

Really think the first part of the game is perfect:(

Of course you can go on and on how the camera or controls didnt age well. But just imagine playing this Game in 1996 there wasnt anything like it going from your 2D RPGs or Plattformers to this was just unbelievable, it paved the future for gaming.

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This is truly a special game, be it the amazing and unique battle system, the music, the character designs, the story or just how beautiful the game looks
I first realized how truly special Chrono Trigger is after seeing the trial scene, taking my actions at the millenial fair into account was so cool and unexpected. I wonder how people in 1995 felt seeing this in a game. Getting to the end of time and realizing that at some point we will freely traverse trough time made me happy like a litlle kid, the whole mix of Fantasy and Sci-fi works so well.
The world building is also very Strong especially at times like the Magic KIngdom. The character building and sense of companionship is handled so well and the side quest are so good, my favorite of them being Fionas Forrest and the campfire scene afterwards. Chaning the Future by doing things in the past and sometimes not even realizing until seeing it is so amazing.
Lavos and all its phases make for a very compelling endboss.
My only complaint would probably be the battle music but it might just be me coming directly from FF6.

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To start this if you dont love this game already after the beginning scene of the magiteks walking through the snow, we can be no friends.
I was a fan of the Steampunk aesthetic before this alread but man this game has Beautiful sprites.
FF6 is full of memorable scenes like the Coin throw scene, the fake coin, The whole Opera section, Celes suicide, Setzter getting the Falcon, Cyans Flowers, The raft, Rachels phoenix moment and i could go on and on and on.
The music is amazing throughout the whole game, with my favorites being: Terras Theme, Aria di Mezzo Carattere and Dancing Mad

My only critiques would be the Random encounters even if they are necessary I started having less and less tolerance for them as the game kept going and the last stretch of the game (Fanatics Tower and Kefkas Dungeon). But when you reach the endboss everything is forgotten.
Kefka altough being bland and a little piece of shit is probably my Favorite Endboss of all time. All his phases have an incredible Design and the music is just godly.
A very Important Game.


What a game, i dont think anyone who is into gaming has not heard of Doom before and with good reason.
The first Doom bein as Influential as it is didnt age bad at all.
Its still very fun today and you can probably beat it in one or two sessions if you want.
Doom puts you into Doomguys mindset better than alot of RPGS put you into their main character, you just cant help but to feel like an absolute god.

Originally i wanted to do the first Sonic for 1991 but A Link to the Past seemed more important.

I always was more of a Sonic instead of Mario guy.
This game has really nice looking sprites and great music.
It also is rather short or if you want to say so fast.hAHa
Just a really fast(omg) experience.

This is the perfect Game,
I have games i like more, but A Link to the Past has no flaws.
From the music to the design to the gameplay.
I think this is what gaming should be.

I really like the way all the party members get a chapter of their own, i wish more rpgs would do something similiar like here.
All the Members/Protagonist are really likeable and its again a huge evolution in gaming.
But i just could never really get into it, maybe because i dont like the artstyle, maybe because i found the music to be pretty medicore or its just that its always 50/50 for me if i get into a jrpg.
As a kid I probably wouldve loved this game but right now its just okay for me.

This game taught me that i shouldnt become a City Planner

Im one of the few who prefers the first Game, i cant really explain why.
I never was a big 2d Mario fan. I just prefer most other platformers

Sadly couldnt continue playing after a bug where all guards went on alert without reason but the 2ish Hours i played where really fun.
Altough you should really use a guide when playing.

Walking around confused in Hyrule

I dont think i have to say anything about this game.
Playing this on the switch handheld destroyed my hands though

Yeah i mean it obviously didnt age well but its a interesting look at the beginning of RPGs.
Also the Cover art goes hard