Cute but I wish it wasn't so linear and was more open like the base game

A great game that was so creative. Loved the power ups, levels, worlds, and the addition of badges. That final badge gauntlet was hell though and it got to be less fun. The bosses weren’t great and so each world often ended with a whimper. Even the final bowser fight wasn’t that good either. The game was also sorta easy and not that it’s bad to have easy levels but I wish there was a bit more challenge to some

I watched a playthrough of this back in 2015 but playing it was so much fun especially because me and my sister did it together

I had a lot of fun playing this to be honest. The story was so good and I was invested in it the whole way through, although predictable which is to be expected for a children’s game. The rival team actually had such a great story probably the strongest of the three if I'm being honest and I loved how they got their happy ending. It was a smart change as well considering the last few rival teams have been a joke (flare but ESPECIALLY yell and even sometimes skull). But even the other two storylines were awesome and felt like some of the best pokemon has seen, especially Arven's because my goodness saving that dog had me tearing up. The final storyline with Area Zero was also so cool I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The time travel aspect was also great and my heart melted everytime miradon came out for a sandwich. They really made me love the box legendary pokemon the most I ever have because we were together the whole game and that was such a smart decision

Gameplay wise there is a lot to love. Terastalizing is such a cool battle gimmick probably the best after megas because there is some strategy to how you use it and who you use it on. The aspect of being able to change a type could make a really useful pokemon even better or make one that would be weak in a scenario strong. The 3 pathways was a great idea and I loved how open the game was to allow you to explore anything you want. On the other hand this openness had a downside as the levels needed to be scaled because I was either way overlevelled or underlevelled. The towns also had no ability to explore them as the houses had nothing in them so they each lacked identity and didn't feel lived in. Even if you could enter a building it would just be the menu. There was some lag but honestly it didn't bother me I had too much fun. The let’s go feature was cool and was pretty convenient for levelling. Plus its fun being able to bring your pokemon out and run around with them. Pokemon in the overworld again which I'm glad is a feature thats here to stay.

I originally played Pokemon X when it came out and I haven't ever replayed or revisited it like I had for other prior games and so it was fun to essentially replay this again while I race against the clock of the 3DS servers closing down which will bring uncertainty in pokemon bank's future to complete the origin dex. There were certain things I remembered and it was fun seeing them again (like the ultimate weapon) and things I had no recollection of. It also wasn't super nostalgic for that which I think was a fun way to replay this.

The gameplay of gen 6 is super strong. Of course mega evolution is an amazing edition and I'm looking forward to it returning in legends Z-A but at the same time I feel like they could have done more with it when comparing it to the other battle gimmicks in future gens. Only about 5 trainers in the main story used mega evolutions and so it feels underused especially considering no Kalos pokemon got a mega evo. I know the major complaint with this gen online is the exp share makes it to easy but I literally don't care its so convenient to level up and playthrough the game when compared to older gens swapping method. The fairy type is a great addition as well that helped to keep the game fresh. The jump to 3d was interesting and I think they had some good initial ideas for how to use the 3D in a unique way (such as in the gyms for example). Also while this is the lowest number of new pokemon I think there are a lot of amazing ones in here (greninja, aegislash, and goomy just to name a few) that I'll gladly take the tradeoff of quality over quantity. The pacing is a bit off at times but not majorly. Where this game really falters is its story and the large wasted potential of it. Team Flare is more annoying than intimidating and Lysandre's motivation is just really stupid particularly because it is barley expanded on. Even AZ just feels randomly inserted because you don't see him first until after gym 4 and then literally never see him again until the very end when the ultimate weapon is about to be used. He could have been this really cool mysterious character introduced after gym 1 or 2 as he was introduced after gym 4 but we learn more about him throughout it until the end but I guess not. I imagine the story took a backseat due to the 3D jump and if I had to guess they sacrificed it for the sake of completing the gameplay because parts of this game are missing that polish. One last thing, all the friends were annoying (mainly Shauna sorry girl) and that idea was not handled well (it was even more apparent as I just finished violet which does the multiple friends thing so much better). Anyways still a good game regardless and not as deserving of the bad rep it usually gets.

A great first DLC. I really liked the story here with ogerpon and those the loser three (screw those three FOR REAL leave ogerpon alone you LOSERS). I also enjoyed Carmine because at first she was annoying me but then once her reasoning and motivation was revealed I understood her so much better. I do not trust Miss. Briar or whatever her name is I feel she is doing something malicious and that will come in the future. The one thing I didn't like was where Kieran's story went because at first I was really liking him but then all of a sudden he does this 180 complete flip out of nowhere and becomes a completely different character. I thought the design of the new area was cool and I really like Ogerpon as a pokemon. I also love dipplin. Not much else to comment gameplay wise since its just the same as the base game mechanics which I already enjoyed. Starting the indigo disk tonight

Hearing that wild battle music based on Unova really got me good and transported me. Gameplay wise this is definitely a step up from the last DLC. The biomes were fun and so was the elite 4 plus champion of blueberry academy especially since it was double battles os it felt different enough from the base game. I think where this DLC is weak is the story. Its about Kieran's redemption but truly he is just annoying because in the last DLC he does this 180 flip of nowhere to become obnoxious and it still didn't work for me here. Especially by the end when we were going to explore Area Zero again I was just getting annoyed

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Tears of the kingdom more like tears of myself for multiple reasons. Playing this game was such an interesting experience. My first ever Zelda game was botw and I played it in 2020 so I knew nothing going in. It was an incredible experience and the sense of wonder, exploration, and immeasurable amounts of fun I had while playing it could not be understated. So when I heard there was a sequel coming up I could not wait. However, the game came out in May which was when I got really busy studying for a huge test and I knew I wanted to just play without limitations so I delayed playing the game until October when I would finish the test. Well I began and was having so much fun but then something just shifted after I finished the first dungeon (the wind temple for me) and the game kept losing me. The story had gripped me but the gameplay was not doing it for me and I wasn't having a good time exploring. It felt more so like a chore because of the traversing the map so I completed the fire temple and then water temple and put the game down in November because I was having fun somewhat but I was at times getting annoyed. However I picked it up again a few days ago and did have a lot of fun with the rest of the game (mostly). So now to get into my thoughts on everything.

First I'm gonna start with the story which was storytelling perfection. As I mentioned I have only played botw so beyond that I have no connection to Link or Zelda and I was tuned into the story the whole time. The story made me absolutely adore Zelda to the point that at the end when she came to help fight as a dragon I started crying and then when she was turned back I bawled and then when we had to dive for her I broke down lol. The sacrifice she made because she knew it was the only option was just wow. The time travel aspect was so cool and I like how there was this element all throughout the game of rediscovering this lost civilization of the Zonai it just added so much mystery and wonder to the plot. But ya really strong story wise I mean I'm a crier but I've never cried during a game so Zelda did that girl.

Now for the gameplay and heres where I fault the game a bit. A lot of the core mechanics I enjoyed in botw are still here so theres still a lot to love. Where this game loses me is the sages and aspects of the exploration. Exploring in botw felt awe inducing and every second I couldn't believe what I was witnessing but here that just wasn't there. Maybe it was because I already explored parts of this map but I don't think thats it. If I had to place it I would probably say its because of how you're encouraged to explore which is to use flight and height and so I would travel to a place by just warping to a tower, flying up, and then gliding there whereas in botw I actually had to walk there and got to explore along the way which some may think was more annoying but Rivali's gale really helped make that exploration fun. I truly think if this game had that I would have had so much more fun with it. I understand the Zonai devices can literally duplicate that but I didn't really explore the building because I didn't have a desire to so I didn't create flying machines or anything like that. Which brings me to my next issue which was that goddamn fifth temple and the pacing of this game. The pacing is just not great imo. You do the 4 temples, then you think you're gonna fight ganon but actually its not the final fight (which side note I accidentally almost entered the final ganon fight because I thought you had to go through the depths not to the top and was only stopped because I lacked bombs and rocks in the room right before all those murals). Once you beat the phantom ganons they are like theres actually a fifth sage and your like okay so then you have to find where that is do a whole quest there, then you figure it out climb the island and have to move this mask, then you do that and you have to build this body, then you do that and have to get the stone, then you do that and have to fight a boss, then you still have to get the master sword and its like my goodness I was fully prepared mentally to fight ganon hours ago. So ya not great pacing for me. And it makes it worse that the final temple relied heavily on the building feature I barley used adding to my annoyance lol. However I found the other 4 temples really fun (besides the sages who could never keep up) and stimulating. I loved the lightning temple especially because it had that unique battle before where you had to defend garudo town but even just the puzzle-solving in the temple itself was really engaging. Same with most of the shrines. The sky was fun to explore, the depths not so much. All the abilities were so creative, my favourite was probably recall and fuse because of how much versatility they added to the game. I also enjoyed how much fuse changed the weapons system and really helped that feel so fresh and innovative. The final boss was amazing and I went into it not knowing how to flurry rush because I never bothered to learn it in either game so I learned it in real time while fighting ganon. I sucked at first but it was actually really fun to learn and grow to finally take that loser down. The fight was challenging enough but not too hard (I did it with about 11 hearts) so I really liked that about it because I needed to get better to beat it. Plus the final dragon sequence was incredible.

The music in this game my goodness I want this soundtrack to own because its so good. I got chills so many times because of it and they really outdid themselves. The songs and score just made you feel so much and complimented any aspect of the story/gameplay so well. My favourites are probably the army ganon theme, catching Zelda, the dragon fight theme, and the sky islands theme plus also ofc the main theme. Not to mention the opening title sequence just so cinematic my goodness. Art design was also wonderful!! Anyways this was really long but I did enjoy this game overall, I think in a year or so I might pick it up again and see if my experience changes but for now I'm gonna go play every other Zelda game there is because I want to experience this whole series of games

Played through this for a couple of hours to get one of the fossil pokemon for my origin dex. Will be playing through the full game later lol

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Jevil is my enemy for real that battle was hellish. This was so fun!! Loved the art style of course. I enjoyed how this felt similar to undertale taking aspects of it that I loved and thought were creative like the gameplay mechanics but switching it up by now having multiple party members and making it feel fresh in that way. The story is also good and I'm invested to see how it progresses. I think Susie is just misunderstood and what the hell does that ending of the chapter mean. Toby Fox always delivers with the music no surprise there and the battle music in this game is going to be on loop for months I fear. I didn't like the lack of consequences for actions throughout the game. That was a big part of undertale with the different endings for pacifist, neutral, and genocide and I'm not saying there needs to be all these endings because I imagine that would become astronomically difficult to have branching pathways for a game with multiple chapters because the branches will just build but I just wish there was something. I played the game by not attacking anything because I wanted to and there was no real purpose to doing so (beyond a few extra dialogue lines) which just feels antithetical especially considering that is what Ralsei urges. I also didn't enjoy how the final boss was a joke compared to Jevil and not saying it needed to be that level of difficulty but I would have liked a bit more of a challenge for the end. Overall, thought loving this game and excited to play chapter 2.

Not sure why I didn't play this back in 2021 when I played undertale for the first time but at least I won't have to wait as long for the next chapters. Also imagine my shock when I saw there were 7 chapters planned, this game isn't going to be completed until the late 2020s lol but I'll be seated from now on.

A very fun second chapter. I thought cyberworld was cool and felt different from the first chapter with some unique ideas. Loving the story still and I'm interested to see how it continues after that ending because what. Also Susie staying over was so cute I really like her character growth so far. Berdly I am so sorry but girl you were annoying so many times throughout this chapter. I also didn't like how aspects of this chapter felt similar to the last like the final act being in the villain's mansion because we were captured and put in a cell for example and I hope that future chapters make that different so it isn't the same sort of structure everytime.

...D.E.B.S. ALERT... it has been reported that an annoying Mario game was played. First lets start with what I liked which was isle delfino. The world felt realized, lived in, and was well developed. I thought the FLUDD was a cool mechanic that helped to make the game feel different from other mario games. The voice acting was fun and made me laugh a few times.

Now for the not so nice stuff. My goodness is this game tedious and not fun at times. Some of the gameplay decisions are just mind boggling, I cannot understand why they were made (I'm looking at you chucksters). I'm wondering how children were expected to complete some of these levels when I am struggling hard to do so as an adult. Not only are some of these levels just crazy hard but they are so tedious to either complete or to reach in the first place (example the goddamn lillypad level which is so annoying to just access in the first place although there are others). I don't even want to 100% this game because of how annoying some of the levels and the remainder of the game is and I love to complete games all the time. The levels without FLUDD weren't necessarily that bad but some of them were at times lol. For me this game was just not fun for a good chunk of it and thats my real issue with it. I don't mind the levels being challenging but the reward/fairness just does not feel worth the challenge. This game also had just so many unintuitive moments which is another major issue for me. Things they just expected you to know to do without explanation and I don't need to be hand held but a little guidance is appreciated. So ya I put this game down three years ago after 7 shines and there was no specific reason but I guess my past self just sensed the evil and I didn't stay away from it this time lol. Maybe my thoughts will change in the future but for now these are them and good riddance to this game the worst of the 3D Mario's for certain

I played overwatch 1 so much and stopped around 2020. When this game came out I had no desire to play it really but I thought I'd give it a chance despite all the bad stuff I had heard. The barrier to entry in this game is ridiculous because none of my stuff migrated, then there was glitches in the mandatory training tutorial, and the support team couldn't help with anything. So tbh I played some quick match games and I won't ever touch this again because theres no way I'm starting from scratch

I apparently bet this game some years ago because before I deleted my save file to play it the primal dialga icon was there however I had no recollection of anything beyond when you fight groudon. If I remember correctly I think I got stuck there as a child and then picked the game up again and must have completed it. With that being said playing through this game again was just so great. The music is awesome and I remembered it all. The story is just too good I was so invested and of course now as an adult I predicted some of the main plot twists it still doesn't take away from how good it was. I was literally a puddle of tears at the end and it just is a testament to how strong the writing is here with your partner character (which was mudkip for my playthrough while I was turtwig my fav who I had to reset about 10 times for). On that same note though as an adult the naiveté of the partner pokemon in not trusting grovyle when they went to the future after dusknoir tried to kill them annoyed me I fear. I understand for a child's mind there isn't much nuance and things are though of in black and white but I think a level of maturity that the rest of the game had could have been brought there. Also the multi attacks annoyed me so this game loses points for that I fear. Still great though and I will play it again eventually to do the post game but I'll probably just do it with explorers of sky since that has more post game stuff apparently so theres not much point to play this post game

Finally finished this game after never being able to do so as a child. I got stuck on the last level and just never saw the ending as a kid lol so I'm glad I could do this for my child self. This game holds a lot of nostalgia for me so tbh I can't even rank it or look at it in an unbiased way. It was literally the first game I played I'm pretty sure and my cousin showed it to me. Everytime I went to visit I just wanted to play this and my favourite character was mother rogue (my gayness showed early I fear). As such I replayed security hall over and over. This game was still a lot of fun to play as an adult and the levels are pretty good. I know a lot of people seem to hate the treasure hunting levels but not me those are my favourite. The mech levels aren't as fun but they are still enjoyable. Raising chao is also really fun and I still have my first save file so I have my very old chao with wacky names that get a chuckle out of me everytime. I'm gonna try to go for all emblems and see if I can do it but I fear I might not be able to we'll see