What a stellar game. Great puzzles and devilish platforming sequences. And what a fresh take on metroidvanias where there's not really any combat! More of these.

Wow. Even in the endgame, I still couldn't believe I was able to do what I was doing with pictures and the environment. A technical marvel and a great puzzle game that hits that sweet spot of not too easy, doesn't make you feel dumb either. Amazing game.

Finished'ish? Well all the hype is real. An endless game but completed my first run of hopefully many but we'll see! The synergy of the multiplier Jokers gets insane. Amazing game.

Absolutely blown away by this game. Simply stellar. I started it back in 2018 and for whatever reason after ten hours or so I stopped playing and kept telling myself I'd eventually get back to it. But then I was stuck in this limbo of hesitating to jump back in or starting from scratch. With the hype growing for Silksong, I decided that enough was enough and it was finally time to return. 107% completion ain't too shabby, might eventually do the boss rushes but not compelled at the moment.

Whew, what an epic game. An "Oops, all minigames" middle chapter to the utmost degree and I had so much fun. The final act had a bit of tedium to it especially after 120 hours or so but the spectacle of it all made up for it. Its greatest strength (aside from the non-stop amazing music) is the character work amongst the party. Still in awe of a studio not only remastering a classic but reimaging it in great fashion. Can't wait for the conclusion.

First off, this game is amazingly gorgeous, just astounding. I do hope the human cost to bring us this world wasn't too high but it's something I often think of with these massively beautiful and sprawling games. Movement both on foot and in the air felt so good. You really feel that you're a Na'vi, especially in comparison to the puny humans. And there was far more complexity in the story and the characters than I was expecting. Really good game, looking forward to the DLC.

What a return to this franchise. I absolutely loved the early aughts games and the reveal of this one was promising to say the least. What an amazing game in the metroidvania genre and to think it wasn't even that when they started the dev process! Looking forward to going back to 100% this one. I really hope they continue this new (old) take on PoP and we get more of these.

Who knew a game with just a rotating stick would be so fun, some of the last few levels were pure evil. Great game.

The premise of this game of minigames is perfect. What if you could actually play those fake mobile games you see in YouTube ads? This was great on the Switch as well to be able to multitask considering the simplistic fun of the games.

While it feels that the Telltale formula is of another generation, heading back into the Expanse universe was great and the traversal mechanics were really fun. The Avasarala DLC was excellent. It's really too bad the couldn't do all the books.

Described as a cozy puzzle game and it definitely delivers, a few surprising spikes in difficulty but ultimately very fun. The hint system was good too where you could use an eraser to decide how much you'd see. Great, chill game.

A chill bullet hell? Sure thing. Crossed with a on rails shooter and it works.

The return of Pong on crack. It was a fun, well, trip, playing through all these games.

Wow, another special game. Absolutely loved this. Aside from a few harsh endgame spikes in the DLC, the way this detective game is paced and weaves in knowledge you gain as you go through cases is wonderful. A must play.