it'd probably just the fanboy of the orginal games speaking, but I think this game is awful, and even then, when I was a small kid I didn't like this game so I don't know what to tell you. I do think this game would be alright, maybe even good, if the controls didn't suck so badly, they got rid off all the special moves and replaced them with the worst controls I've ever felt in a game, yea, I think the controls on the car are horrible, they just barely function, and the game entirely spins around the idea of cars and planes, not to mention that creating a car or plane isn't even fun. there's tons of more stuff I could go into like the character or awful world design but honestly I don't know how many times I can say "game bad" over and over again.

there's alot of good in this game, the soundtrack is good, the characters are fun, the story is intriguing, its funny but, but there's some bad, battles become annoying with the ring mechanics, the main villan is truly pathetic, it's a fun experience, but not as good as the original, imo. if you're looking for that type of experience, play bug fables, but I can see why alot of people love this game for it being different and influential to the paper mario franchise.

the virgin minecraft vs. the chad terraria

yknow, it's another one of those games that didn't click as good as well as it did for others, is it good? hell yea, it's shovel knight, of course it is, but I don't see myself why its considered to be one of the best games of the decade, like celeste or minecraft (which are both still good imo).

Nintendo PLEASE put this on something other than the DS I just wanna play the divinitive version of one of my favorite games :(

some games with potential here, but don't reach their fullest potential, still fun tho so

this game gets way to much hate, ill just say it now, just beating the main game stars, there's like 3 frustrating parts, 100% it tho, its hellish and the only thing holding me back from this being a 10/10 game for me. oh well

my boy kirby needs a hug after all he goes through in this game

yo if this isn't one of the best games of all time I don't know what is

first impressions so far, I mean its fine. don't get how this is one of the best games of the last decade according to alot of people but its good.

I didn't know they had alf in this

the dogs are so cute until they shit on the floor

a step up from 1, but half of these games bore me or aren't that fun

listen, the games all play good and are still great as I remember, I cant rate it higher however, with all of the bad practices surrounding the game and not many extra features