this game gets way to much hate, ill just say it now, just beating the main game stars, there's like 3 frustrating parts, 100% it tho, its hellish and the only thing holding me back from this being a 10/10 game for me. oh well

listen, the games all play good and are still great as I remember, I cant rate it higher however, with all of the bad practices surrounding the game and not many extra features

the virgin minecraft vs. the chad terraria

alright unpopular opinion here, but Steve is my least favorite character in terms of movesets. Most of his moves revolve around you mining for the materials, and you can only do it standing still, and in the game where people are rushing at you trying to kill you, yea you're not gonna be able to do some of your moves, which makes the character a bore to play for me, everything else about him is good tho

it's a fun vr puzzle game that can be really clever but that last level forgets all of that and becomes overwhelming and frustrating

Eric and Marty reference epic

I played this game and easily got enough stars to beat game without doing any of the stars I don't like, no tick tock clock, no tall tall mountain, no rainbow ride, and more. I also wasn't bothered by being booted out, since the levels were more condensed and small and, I could get back to where I was before very quickly. and that's the amazing thing about mario 64, in that doing it that way was valid, I didn't have to 100% it, I could have fun in my own way, and I think that's the best thing about mario, no matter what game he has, there is at least one that speaks most to you, maybe it's galaxy 1s atmosphere, sunshine buttery smooth controls, maybe it's galaxy 2s fun factor, maybe it's 3d world or lands more 2d mario level design, or maybe it's odyssey throwing all of marios past ideas at a wall and seeing if it still holds up, and all of marios 2d adventures with their own ideas, but for me that game is mario 64 (and odyssey) for its freedom, and ideas, with simple, but sublime execution, sure make all the critisms you want about it, and you can dislike it, but I'll still love it.

another great pack! I love the additions they made to quiplash, and I don't really have any major complaints, I like all the games, but at the same time, the games don't reach the same level of quality as something in party pack 6, imo

why does jack look like Steve jobs

put this one on the pile of "critically acclaimed games that I just don't care for"

can't wait to buy this!

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there's this one glitch at the end of the game, for some reason it will always kill you and won't let you respawn for some reason

great concept but the implementation of garbage blocks makes the game worse

Patently stupid is amazing and mad verse city is great but everything else is average