Such a timeless classic and iconic in many many ways. The world of FFVII is full of great set pieces and characters. For me the standout is our main character Cloud. His development is the best in the franchise and it’s very well written.

Personally my favourite character is Tifa. I love her dedication to Cloud and how she was constantly fighting for him. She’s probably the most realistic character in the game.

Music is brilliant. There is no track that ain’t a banger.

Is this my favourite Final Fantasy? Definitely not but I still love this game so much and appreciate it for how it started the craze of Final Fantasy

Zero is very quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. Her development is very satisfying to see and I cannot wait for the game to explore more about her experiencing life in Eorzea.

Though I think this patch was good. I found 6.2 to be a bit more interesting as it experimented with the use of the Thirteenth and I loved that.

The alliance raid is incredible and is probably the best we have gotten maybe in the whole game? The song “Dedicated to Moonlight” is such a tune.

FFXIV is a much more interesting game when it isn’t in Eorzea, The Thirteenth has already established itself as a strong and well constructed world in just the matter of 9 or so quests. How bleak and Depressing this world is yet all these creatures live in such peace? I love it.

The character of Zero is brilliant and super intrigued to see where we are going to go with this character and may I say I love her outfit!

Pandemonium is probably the only fault storywise. It’s interesting in some aspects with its world building and the character Erichthonios is well written. But there’s just a whole lotta nothing and the writing can get very tiring. Fights are very good though

Am depressed 🥲

This game is great. The combat is MUCH better and the story of Zack Fair is probably one of the best in the franchise. The pacing can be a bit of a slog and though missions are fast they can get very repetitive. I also don’t really like Genesis as a villian? But maybe that’s because the main appeal of him is GACKT and I just don’t get it

This game was much better than CD. PINBALL GOATED

Why did they decide to make a Sonic game about exploring and going through time to explore the different styles when the level design literally doesn’t let you do any of that. Absolute waste of my time I wanna die. OST banging tho so 1 star

Growing up I could never really get into Pokémon. I found it overwhelming and my little brain can’t handle an ounce of planning. But playing through Violet completely changed that for me. Exploring this brilliant world and interacting with its amazing cast of characters made me fall in love with Paldea. To its themes of finding your “Treasure” to Nemona’s constant need for a battle. Its charm never ended.

Seeing my favs interact at the end and having this feeling of being in a party felt so satisfying in the final area. I can’t wait for Pokémon to hopefully move forward from this game and make their stories even better and the worlds even bigger!

Thank you my treasured friends 🌟

Replaying this made me appreciate it way more. A very good sonic game which I admire for implementing a story through its levels!

Actually never hated boss designs more than this game. Chao Garden cute tho

DMC5 for twinks

Absolutely bonkers game and I loved every second of it. Its story is ok with mixed messages (and an insane ending lmao they actually did that) but I don’t play Bayonetta for the story. It exceeds at being iconic and doing crazy set pieces and that’s all I need baby

Replaying this again I realise how both Bayonetta balance out each other. Bayo 1 has a brilliant story and better set pieces while gameplay feels older (compared to 2) while Bayo 2 has much better combat with weaker story and more of a boss rush sense of pacing. I do hope Bayo 3 brings in the best of both worlds fingers crossed but I still enjoy bayo 1 much more personally

Replaying for Bayonetta 3. Still a brilliant game! Amazing boss fights and as a gay I king bayonetta forever

I absolutely love this game and every time I play through it’s such a joy. I can tell there’s issues with camera and some janky gameplay but I have so much deep rooted love for this game I can genuinely look past it. Absolutely brilliant

Hero Mode:

The campaign is fun but to be honest I wouldn’t say it’s an upgrade of OCTO. OCTO has more style to it while this seems sort of normal hero mode shit you’d come to expect from splatoon. Still a fun ride and very excited for the DLC

I am finding this game ridiculously hard to finish. I am absolutely bored with trainer battles as I can just sorta one and done them and I don’t find anything engaging, it’s cute with brilliant graphics but I just want it to end 😭