This game is great. The Combat is fun, Side content is engaging and the story is brilliant. But I cannot help but complain about how awful the pacing can be and how lame the Villians are. No I don’t not want my boss battle cutscene to be 30 minutes long to repeat the same dialogue I heard from Noah earlier. It feels like padding and it’s annoying. But I am very excited for the DLC


The cat in this looks like my cat so it’s actually already GOTY 2022

It’s such a shame because of how iconic the originals were but this game is kinda a drag for no reason?

This game is literally a massive boring fetch quest. Me when I’m boring. The Artstyle and Character Designs are the only good points

Ice climbers? More like ass climbers fuck this game

After finished Endwalker I appreciate this expansion way more for it executes it’s plot way better than EW

Kirito is in the game peak fiction

Samus be like uhhh big boobs?!?!

This game is such a vibe but like also the characters are really sexy so I’m a bit confused

I see this game less of a Zelda type game and more of a Rime and Ico type. It still focuses on exploration and Puzzles but it just doesn’t vibe the same as Zelda. It’s a super fun simple game to play but I wouldn’t RUSH to go play it just yet. If you are interested in it go ahead but just know your in for a beautiful game