Kino raw. Peak fiction my guy

Emil kinda goated MC THO??

This game is good dont believe the lies

Bowser got a whole lot of fury

I see this game less of a Zelda type game and more of a Rime and Ico type. It still focuses on exploration and Puzzles but it just doesn’t vibe the same as Zelda. It’s a super fun simple game to play but I wouldn’t RUSH to go play it just yet. If you are interested in it go ahead but just know your in for a beautiful game

This game is such a vibe but like also the characters are really sexy so I’m a bit confused

Samus be like uhhh big boobs?!?!

Kirito is in the game peak fiction

After finished Endwalker I appreciate this expansion way more for it executes it’s plot way better than EW

Ice climbers? More like ass climbers fuck this game

This game is literally a massive boring fetch quest. Me when I’m boring. The Artstyle and Character Designs are the only good points