The best first RPG I can recommend to anyone.

long live jackie chan make more anime pliss than kiu

This shit made my heart beat so fast at times holy shit.

Definitely one of the best Role Playing experience I ever had in a videogame, really felt like playing MY character all the way through it's amazing story and desolated wasteland.

Has a mediocre story and bland side quests and npcs, but I just couldn't stop playing it even after 1.5k hours.
Really defined my teen years.

It's a great game with great characters and story, fun and challenging gameplay and great themes and style, however it goes the mediocre way at times, dealing with real themes in really stupid ways and dumbing down some of it's plot points with generic anime tropes, I wish it could be better but it is what it is, still love it though.

It's great that's all I have to say.

Worth a try, but it's shortcomes may outweigh the great story and characters with clunky gameplay and unforgiving difficulty for those not used to it.

Amazing story, got the gameplay and difficulty right, great characters, continues one of the best games ever made with a even more sad story (and ending) but please play with the undub patch

Incredible story and gameplay (on PSX), but EP is better.

Incredible and really gets me the feels, it's second only to VI

The best Final Fantasy game ever made.

One of the best Atlus games ever made with an amazing story and addicting gameplay loop and a lot of choices to be made.