yea tartarus is a bitch and the lack of direct commands sucks but it's still objectively the best game of all time i don't make the rules sorry fellas

all the twitter virgins who reference this game everywhere that hopped on when this came out instead of the ones who waited years through all the delays are the reason why i can't stan in public

game is beautiful. u are dumb stupid head if you call it a walking simulator. "wah wah wah bitch im lil baby" that's what you sound like.

tifa, aerith, yuffie, and jessie set the bar too high and ruined women for me

every day's great at your junes~

this game ruined my life. been all downhill since.

shit blew my mind how i could play as zim and gir. they were barely acknowledging invader zim existed at the time much less throw TWO characters in there !

if you gave this video game five stars you might need a lobotomy

pretty art wasted on some white guy's ego

too hard gave up after 30 hours

"there were great people on both sides" ass game

closed the servers for the online stuff barely a year after release cuz nobody wants fun interesting games anymore, only drab "i wish i was a tv show so bad" grey and brown "cinematic" games about a jaded father figure and a dumb ass younger protagonist dontcha know

for all it's faults, it still manages to be really charming to me. can't help liking this one

really fun little experiences pulled off pretty well. play these with a friend they're a good time