Despite being over 20 years old and also the literal first game in its genre it still holds up incredibly and outclasses nearly everything else that came after it.

Reading Umineko has done more to expand my mind than 16 years of school ever did.

Despite the meme of "UDG bad lol" this is actually the second-best DR game. It's RE4 but you have a devil trigger that's a quirky white woman.

Kind of mid overall but still entertaining enough on a moment-to-moment basis that it never feels like a chore or a slog to play through. A small roadblock before the kino that is the rest of this series.

If your takeaway from the ending is that Kodaka hates the fanbase you have no reading comprehension and need to stop posting your opinions online.

Bayonetta is a potential 7-8/10 trapped inside a cage of Hideki Kamiya's psychopathy. I've never played a game that has so little respect for your time and patience as a player.

This is the greatest video game ever made and the only fully realized action game in existence