If you didn't bullshit your way up the tallest mountain in Skellige can you really say you played this game

A legitimately mind-numbing and soul-draining experience. Genuinely one of the most boring games ever made.


Why can't more shooters be like this.

It's ironic how the only good usage of the ATB system I've seen was in an RPG that doesn't have turn-based combat.

I think the encounter rate is too high in a lot of places and the ATB system in this game kind of inherently goes against the philosophy of turn-based combat. Thankfully the story and the way it's told are able to (mostly) make up for these shortcomings.

The most 7/10 game ever created.

I have my gripes with the combat and I think the story is closer to a staircase than fully-developed arcs but I still liked it overall. Hope the sequel is a step up.

The two things I hate most in video games are feeling like my time is being wasted and that I don't have as much control as I should. Needless to say this game was basically poison to me at points and I nearly ragequit on the final boss.

The fact that basically every person who plays this will have a unique experience is really cool and it's legitimately impressive the amount of shit it's able to juggle without it all just coming crashing down at any point, but all of that almost entirely revolves around "plot," so when you finish the game you're kind of just like "cool I know all the answers now" and you only think of it when you see other people bring it up. I like everyone in the main cast and I think the overarching theme of the game is nice and well communicated, but there just isn't really a whole lot of meat to tear into.

Play Nier: Automata first and for the love of god use a guide for this game to see what side quests are actually required to get all the endings. So much of the side content in this game is just the most mind-numbing shit ever, do not engage with it any more than you have to.

Combat is very acceptablecore but everything else is like, nearly immaculate. A must-play.

I enjoyed the game a good bit but some of the classes just feel like total dog shit, and movement in general can feel very stiff, on top of you being locked in to a lot of your animations during combat (though that's more of a personal preference of mine).

Crack in RPG form. Need SMTV to come to a real console.

Solid metroidvania. Aside from the bugs I encountered my biggest complaint is that some bosses and enemies can basically stunlock you due to the fact that after getting knocked down you only have i-frames during your recovery animation, so you can end up getting hit before you even have a chance to move again. Thankfully this isn't a frequent occurrence but it's still a bizarre issue for a game like this to have.

Despite creating the most insufferable fanbase ever of all time the first game is still good.