It's the kind of fan game my friends and I had wanted to make when we were 16 years old, fresh off of playing Undertale for the first time, and it shows in all the best and worst ways. This is a very sad 3/5.

Most of the pieces of Undertale are here. The enemy encounters are on point, the moment to moment humor generally keeps up with the original's, the characters are often fun to watch, and the music (while different) is a treat.

In the end, though, it doesn't really come together, and that's the important thing. Sometimes it has strong moments, but when you think about why we got here and how in those moments, it generally doesn't connect. Plot holes abound. Oftentimes it feels like things were written backwards from the end points, leading to--for example--three different final bosses with inconsistent, backwards or downright impossible motivations for fighting us.

It's not like it doesn't try. There's a lot of instances where you can see the creators clearly--and sometimes subtly--draw parallels to the original to service the story somehow. It's just that it's often unclear how that works, what themes are supposed to be reinforced, and if the themes it's supposedly about even existed as part of the story in the first place. (It's supposed to be "justice" rather than "determination", but it never really shows, and the latter gets a lot more play anyhow).

Overall, it feels like the creators sought to surpass the original in a number of individual elements, especially graphically. But the overall experience is a far worse one than Undertale, probably because putting elements of games together is such a fine and difficult balance. Sometimes all it takes is the writing and characterization falling apart under closer inspection to totally drag down any other improvements they made.

I'm excited for whatever they do in the future, but this game was not it for me. But I'm in the vast minority from what I understand, so if you liked Undertale, perhaps you should check it out and come to your own conclusions.

No other open-world survival crafting game quite like Subnautica. Not even the sequel.

Great game structure. Mesmerizing atmosphere. Surprisingly, a great story. Pants-shitting terror. Pick it up if you can!

It's Resident Evil 5, but WAY less good-er (but less outwardly offensive this time at least).

Play it with a friend who doesn't mind suffering or don't bother. There's a bit of a good co-op action game buried somewhere in here!

Maybe just play 5 again. Or 4 again, for that matter. Have you tried a run where you dump the pistol for the TMP?

It's Resident Evil 4, but definitely less good-er (and SOMEHOW more blatantly offensive).

I would recommend grabbing a buddy who would enjoy playing a pretty good action game through with you, because the co-op is quite nice, and I had a fun time that way.

Otherwise, maybe just play 4 again. Have you tried a run where you pick up the Mine Thrower yet?

Exquisite. The all time benchmark for action games that I could play over and over again. But you probably knew that already, didn't you? Believe the hype!!

Ruined my %&#!ing life. Came back and did it again.

THE sleeper hit of 2023.

The fact that this series got a third entry this many years later, and it's so GOOD, just boggles the mind. This is the evolution of those games on like, pretty much every level. There NEED to be more games like Clash. (Though there's still money in more first person brawler/beat-em-up games like the originals. Someone should make that!)

Third person in-depth high skill ceiling martial arts combat games are the way to go! And this being one didn't stop it from both having an incredible visual style, and a narrative that made me think a lot about it afterward despite being so simple!! I cried over a beat-em-up's story!!

And the main character is freakin' ugly!!!

And the lunging double fist punch STILL looks really dumb!!!!

...I REALLY think more people should be fans of this.

It's Zeno Clash, but it's less like a waking fever dream and more like a real, functional video game this time!

It's still really weird!

And the lunging double fist punch looks really dumb!

I really like this game!!

The (second) best game you will ever read. In a lot of ways it wants to be the opposite of the traditional RPG and that kind of rules. Just a very interesting game to experience. CRPGs are back in style again so you have no reason not to check it out (except for the fact that it's loooooong).

You should definitely look for the party member voiced by Dan Castellaneta. And, figure out what can change the nature of a man, or something.

Words fail to describe Zeno Clash. "First person Double Dragon as a Source engine game" doesn't quite cut it. "Playable episode of Xavier: Renegade Angel" doesn't quite cut it either. Whatever it is, there's nothing else like it, and I kinda freakin' love it.

It feels like the kind of game my future self traveled back in time to make specifically for me to be dumbstruck by. Though that might also have had to do with me being hammered for the last hour of the game... which is also the last third of the game. It's a short game.

Um, maybe you should check this out, and just see if it grabs you. I think more people should be fans of this.

Just to be clear, in no uncertain terms, so you understand what I'm saying: THIS IS THE GREATEST VIDEO GAME OF ALL TIME.

Undertale is the kind of game that comes along once in a decade, and the kind of experience I could write for hours about. Honestly? I'm happy to live in a time where stuff like this is being made.

Tough as nails yet paradoxically one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day. I do not regret clearing all this game had to offer, 100%.

And the music is nice, too...

Until something upsets it, Guacamelee! is forever the best 3 (and maybe a little extra) out of 5 I've ever played. Love this series!