151 Reviews liked by Notah



Somehow, 17 years later, Double Fine was able to improve practically everything from the original Psychonauts in Psychonauts 2.

Playing both games within weeks of each other I believe really helped my experience with this game. From the original game to this sequel, there is no drop in quality and is everything I wanted to see more of in a follow up. The writing is just as witty and clever, channeling the energy of the original without missing a beat. Platforming is just as precise, if not better, with super creative level design and better controls. The combat has been overhauled with awesome enemy variety and an increased move-set for Raz.

While the game's ending is probably its weakest segment, it is a proper resolution to the story going back to the first game. It is climactic and bold, if not a bit cheesy and convenient, but where the first game's ending came and went, Psychonauts 2's finale is much more pronounced and exciting.

Will there be a Psychonauts 3? God, I hope so; if it comes out in 2040 I will certainly be here for it. However, if Psychonauts 2 really is the last entry in this short, charming franchise, then it certainly went out with a bang.

This is a shame. I was excited then bam. There is no hope for Sonic anymore, Izuka, fix your teeth

Psychonotah es el juego de Notah

esto nos pasó una vez en una comida familiar

Esto le pasó a mi amigo Notah

Jugad un juego de ritmo bueno de una puta vez y dejad de jugar a esto

Este juego está ambientado en La Línea de la Concepción.

Un saludo a todas las ratas de mierda seguidoras del real madrid

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get 9s some bitches

funny little girl what will the voices in her head say

Looking at the very specific type of people who enjoy both I feel safe to say this is the Serial Experiments Lain of video games

now listen to me young man, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to gamestop, and i need you to ask the bastard working the counter if they have ¡Qué pasa Neng! on the ps2. if you come back empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.

in my copy gex is extremely homophobic and transphobic

El pachinko y sus consecuencias han sido un desastre para la raza humana.