Pretty fun but has kind of an identity crisis. Like 45 minutes of this 2 hour long beat em up Was spent puzzle platforming, twin stick shooting and quick time event-ing.

I love this game but one thing I noticed with a second playthrough is that the game will 25 percent of the time not read my movements. Lost the last minigame pack because of it

This game kinda sucks. It’s got real janky mini games that are just annoying to play. Give me 4, 7, or 8 any day over this.

Whoever designed that luck based Boo boss and the Bowser boss can go straight to hell. Rest of the game was amazing

Too difficult. Played it on game pass for like 20 minutes and couldn’t get past the first level. Doom 2016 is way better

Boss fights long, annoying and stupid. Rest of the game is fun

New Mario U: 4 stars

New luigi U: 1 Star

I find this game to be fun but I can’t deny it has some really huge flaws. #1, the level design. Especially in the tree levels, you’re sometimes scratching your head wondering where to go. The worst example was a time where there was this huge area with ghosts and pac pellets, I thought I was supposed to go there but in actuality you’re supposed to go to this area on the right with blue bounce points. Once I get there there is a fire barrier that won’t let me through so I go back thinking I missed a metal power up or just went the wrong way. After searching for 5 or so minutes I find out that there’s this thin ledge that’s really hard to see in the fire barrier area and shuffling through it l find a metal power up. Some hints would be nice or something. Another example is also in the tree area but this example applies to a lot of areas in the game. This game loves super thin/tiny platforms that I tend to fall off of over and over again. The worse thing about this is checkpoints are pretty spread out and you have to recollect every stinking fruit and power pellet if you die after each checkpoint. Now That’s just cruel! One death would cost me 10 or so minutes of gameplay because I had to re-collect every thing I got. I think the people that REALLY enjoy this game and think it’s better than the Ghostly Adventures games, have their nostalgia goggles on a bit too tight. I have nostalgia for this game, quite a lot actually but I still see the obvious flaws it has and how the Ghostly Adventures games are just better.

Cars physics have always been weird but this game has the worst physics of them all. I had to retry a few races because I’d randomly flip over or smash into a wall even though I shouldn’t have. It’s also really laggy on Wii especially if you’re behind a car that leaves dust behind, the game just tanks. That being said, I still had fun with it. I love the new environments and the track layouts I found to be pretty cool.

I have very mixed opinions on this game. I really like the concept and I like the gameplay but it’s just cheap and doesn’t fully commit to it. For example there are 6 movies represented. Cars, Up, Toy Story, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Finding Dory which was added in to the Xbox One version. Why not include more movies? No monsters inc, no Wall-E, No A Bug’s Life. There really could and should have been more. I kinda get that there was only 5 in the 360 release because there are 5 letters in Pixar, that’s kinda clever but if you’re going to break the rule by adding in Finding Dory, why not add more in? And speaking of Finding Dory, the first 5 Films I have no problems with but Finding Dory just seems super lazy with barely any voice acting, barely a storyline, no custom character and only 2 levels oppose to the 3 in each of the other movies. It’s just disappointing

This game is very overrated. It’s fine. Nothing more, nothing less. Mario kart double dash, 8, 7 and Wii are better but at least it’s not Super Circuit

This game is insanely difficult for the wrong reasons. It’s constant barrage of enemies mixed with an extremely strict time limit AND having to swap weapons through a weapon wheel ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Is a perfect example of bad game design. It’s probably one of the worst games on the Sega Genesis Classics collection

“Good physics? Good hit detection? Nah. Just be happy with your 🗿s” - Nintendo, 1989

What was once a fun little Mario game is now an infuriating example of how not do a platformer. Terrible level design, terrible physics and terrible hit detection

Song list is not the greatest but overall this is a fun and easy Miku game. Great for newcomers and the art style is cute!