513 Reviews liked by ObscureEgg



Far and away my favorite game of all time. Everything about it, the gameplay, the story, the music, the art, it’s all so masterfully done that it almost feels unreal. This is both the funniest game I’ve ever played, as well as one of only 2 games in the world to make me cry. The gameplay, while perhaps being the weakest aspect of the game, is still incredibly fun. Once you know what you’re doing, you can really get some fun setups going. This games soundtrack is incredible, easily my second favorite of all time, only beaten by Undertale. It fits each environment super well, and is actually home to my favorite song ever. Just ever. I won’t say which one cause that’s a spoiler, but you’ll know it when you get there. The story of this game is downright beautiful. It tells the story of a broken friend group, trying to come back together after so many years. It tells how major events can forever change the lives of people. It explores grief, sadness, anger, acceptance, and so much more, all in only about 40 hours. (Assuming you’re slow like me) That’s really all I can say. I would recommend this game to absolutely anybody, if not playing it then at least watching a playthrough of it. It changed my life, and I have no doubt it can change some of yours.

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The worst videogame I've ever played in my entire life. A hard to endure abomination that assassinates every single aspect of the original trilogy, as well as Phoenix Wright's character, and top of it, every single case has critical problems in logic, with the highlight being Turnabout Succession, a case that only works because someone who was stripped from his badge managed to not only somehow manipulate the entire judicial system of the country, but also infiltrate a solitary confinement cell and because a little girl didn't tell her dad about a poison danger in 7 years.

You don't realize how fun this game actually is until you see one of your friends get killed by a Lightning bolt, then die to another one right after

Every run feels like a randomized episode of Scooby Doo except the gang dies at the end.

lethal company is the first time in an Ever that a trending new multiplayer game has impressed me and rivaled the Certified Hood Classics like valve's games or... yeah no valve's games. i don't tend to play multiplayer shit! i think what sets lethal company apart is atmosphere. the game is immersive from the first moment you start a save file and see the scratched, murky helmet hud. you don't notice it as much in multiplayer, but in singleplayer i just sat there and took it in the croaks of the ship's hull and the gentle whirrs and tippity taps when you use the computer (though eventually i do play the game). while the abandoned buildings are almost always repetitive (for readability reasons), the outdoor areas of these planets are sick. coming out of a long expedition to not only see, but HEAR that night has hit, is super impactful. increase that impact about tenfold when the ambiance is interrupted by the stomps of a forest giant. the microphone detection (thereby requiring you to be quiet) almost forces you to soak it all in.

however, my absolute favorite detail is that the monsters don't jumpscare you. 15/10

I learned more about my friends in the 3 minutes after a coil-head showed up than I ever did in the 6 years we shared together on Discord.

Bro this shit was so fun I can't wait to play with my friends again, as long as we stop hitting each other with shovels and stop signs.

ASGORE IN THIS IS SO BAD MAN 😭😭💀💀💀💀💀😭😭 he's such an asshole to the dude who made the robot dude HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT SHIT BRUH
it’s a good game but the character writing could be better since the characters don’t really have a motive for getting your soul and when they do it’s vague and odd. the best part about this game is flowey to be honest he’s really interesting and the boss fight is awesome

would be higher if it had mommy rosalina

yeah I get it now. it truly is incredible. shame about Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride tho