74 Reviews liked by OnyxPriest

a lavish demo for the dualsense that can convince you just for a minute that all the new gimmicks aren't dead ends

i like super metroid and the classicvanias a whole order of magnitude more but i admire they way they approached the daunting task of trying to beat both of those by throwing everything at the wall. it feels like nothing got cut from this game.

Solid little game meant to mimic the older Paper Mario titles which it does a fantastic job doing. The characters don't have as much pizzazz as Paper Mario, but they definitely are cute and work for this story. Villain is a little half-baked, but still threatening in the end. The final chapter has a very strange difficulty spike in it, but if you master the battle system, you won't have any trouble after the initial shock of enemies nearly killing you in one round. Lots of side quests to do. It's just very nice little callback to an era of games we won't be seeing much of anymore.

Back in the day this was considered a trendy "favorite Zelda game" pick, now it is just generally accepted that this game is extremely good and rivals OoT for best Zelda game. I am one of those people that say it is the best, it has the best boss battle (Goht), the best Zelda dungeon (Stone Tower Temple) and the best side quests. There may only be 4 main dungeons in my the game, but every single one is a complete banger with really fun designs and puzzles. And the challenge of doing as much as you can in as little cycles as you can always drives more replayability. There's a couple of things working against it: The Owl Statue Save System, Gyorg, Zora Egg hunting, the Octorok Shooting Gallery, but those are largely outweighed by every good thing it does. Also, best swimming controls in any game bar none. Zora Link is phenomenal.

Easily my favorite battle system in any action game I have ever played. The amount of combos you can do with your Legion is fantastic and I loved doing all the little side missions. Story is definitely there, but it's nothing spectacular, and the characters are fairly enjoyable for what they are. Super fast paced action scenes are leveled out by some slower police work which was also enjoyable. I didn't believe the Gamestop employee when he said "This is the best game of 2019", but I am a believer now. Extremely satisfying and fun

The battle system is the most gratifying of all the RPG battle systems I've played. It is so satisfying doing chain attacks. The story is really corny and the voice acting is lackluster, but the characters really hold this mess together with Morag being the highlight for me in particular. It's a lot to learn, but once you get it is phenomenal.

My favorite game of all time. It has some pretty jenky controls and the story is pretty goofy, but the combat is still really fun, I love the music and the enemy designs, and the sound effects. It has a lot of charm for a game that has quite a bit cut from it. Obviously a lot of nostalgia riding on this one, but I always have a fantastic time playing it.

Jak 3


It is insane that this game is actually pretty enjoyable coming off of the disaster that was Jak 2

Pretty fun RPG with 108 recruitable players so there's a lot of customization in parties, until you have to include certain members in your party. The Rune system is simple, but it's still pretty enjoyable even if the main character basically has a "win now" Rune which kind of breaks battles. Regular battles go by rather quickly because each character's turn flows into the others so well (as long as you're not spamming Runes). I only Game Overed once due to lack of planning, but the game is pretty easy all things considered. My biggest complaint is the lack of diverse battle music. There's really only 2 battle tracks the whole game, and the movement speed sans True Holy Rune is kind of a slog. There's a lot of backtracking to get all 108 Stars of Destiny and the inventory management is... Less than stellar. The variety of battle styles is really neat and a fun idea, but the large scale battles are easy to cheese. It's a fun RPG to run through with quite a bit of customization with parties which increases replayability.

Having never played a Monster Hunter game before, this is a great entry point I feel. I will knock it for going heavy on the tutorials in the first hour of the game, but once you get rolling, there's a lot to explore and gather. Obviously the big draw is the monster fights which are fantastic. Trying out a bunch of weapons to see what playstyle works is also incredibly enjoyable. I play with a lot with my friends on the weekends and it is a rip roaring good time. I will admit the single player is a little stale after a while, but the multiplayer is where this game really shines.
Fuck the Khezu though. I hate that penis monster

FLIRTING: difficult and purposely cryptic fromsoft game
HARASSMENT: difficult and purposely cryptic NES game

DK lives on an island shaped like his own head but every other living thing on it wants to kill him. what does this mean?

damn dude that's your mario 64 killer?

Lots of people think I'm crazy when I say that this is the best Sports game ever made. Although it lacks the over-the-top absurdity that would come in later Mario Sports titles, it simulates tennis matches extremely well and I can't get over the top notch music in this game. Every track is amazing, it is one of the best OSTs ever. Seriously