Do you like conspiracies? What about spy thrillers? How about convoluted stories? If you said yes to all of those, then congratulations, you're a Metal Gear fan. The first entry in one of the best stealth series. It's only held back by it's glorious polygons, and we like polygons.

It's a remake of the original, now on a cube. Everything that can be said about the original holds true here, except that this one is significantly easier since it brings the first person aiming form 2 and 3 as well as the tranq pistol.

This is the definitive editon of one of the greatest RPGs ever created. Everything good about the original release carries over to this one. Play it if you can

This one hurts. RE3 is my favorite game in the franchise, and I was incredibly hyped for this after RE2R. The game is good on it's own, but falls short when compared to the original. It deserved more than to be shoveled out and forgotten.

This is really just a prologue to Phantom Pain, and should have been included as a package deal. It's almost the peak of gameplay for the franchise.

220 hours, and 5 years later and I finally finished Kingmaker. Was it worth it? A hard yes. Learning the deep nature of the Pathfinder ruleset is essential for playing on anything above Normal, min-maxing not required. Once I finished it, I wondered if I'd ever play another game like it again, only to immediately jump into Wrath with the same build.

The final chapter of Artyom's story. In an interesting turn of events, 4A games made this an open world game, which surprisingly works better than expected despite losing the claustrophobic atmosphere of the Moscow Metro system.

One of my favorite games of all time, and the best of the original trilogy. Nemesis is easily one of the best horror monsters to have ever been created.

The gold standard for remakes, it adds just enough to keep long time fans on their toes, while remaining faithful to the original. In a shocking twist, the handgun is a trap.

The first outing of the critically acclaimed series by Shinji Mikami. It hasn't aged as well as the rest of the original trilogy, but it's still a fantastic play. The voice acting is top notch, and Oscar worthy.

Such a fantastic game. Easily the second best of the original trilogy. There isn't much to be said about this that hasn't been said before.

Fantastic game, and a great first step into the souls genre. This was my first souls game, and it encouraged me to go back and play the rest.

An interesting point in RE history. This entry marked the turning point where it went full ham action. it's a solid title, but the transition caused it to lose the charm and cheese of the original trilogy.

The most popular GTA, and I don't know why. The characters are caricatures at best, and the narrative is all over the place in quality. Any time Trevor became the focus, the quality takes a nose dive.

This game will forever hold a special place to me. It came around at the right time, and resonated with me. The characters are fantastically written, the combat is satisfying, and the music is fantastic. If I had to find a fault, it would be that it's too easy.