why did they call it 'Clear Sky' when it's raining ГРАНАТА...?

You can tell that it's a proper successor to FEAR 2 and Crysis 2 and all your other favorite 7th gen tacticool shooters where the player can't lean. The game this is supposedly aping was a 'holistic creative product' down to the drab urban decay locales idiots complain about, birthed from the minds of software engineers with actual life experiences and a penchant for "kinography", while "the manchildren who liked FEAR" behind this cobbled together store bought asset extravaganza evidently have spent far more leisure time consuming internet mindpoisonS than watching good action movies. Whenever I make fun of a game looking too dark I will be referring to this from now, sry Doom 3, ur out of a job.............

alphafoxtrot 6 has arrived at teh LZ,we are Charlie Brown, hustling&shotgunning towards مدينة الرمال كركند
OORaH, tango down.....but the leader enemy boss of the GLA still lives...OHNo!!! He activated the nuclear missile bomb!!!!!!!!
downloadand play dutycalls starring Kevin McKidd from Dog Soldiers as "Soap" 4free today

ps:the spectre of pnkbstra.exe haunts my machine to this day, because of all those S&Ds I won with my MP5&C4....

almost as authentic and retrõ and FunnY as Kung Fury, definitely captures the super turbo brutal megakill buttmetal ironic&insincere "aesthetic" that Doom and its descendants have been denigrated into within the public hivemind during the past decade+. prepare2frag like no tomorrow in this aimtrainer almost as good as Titanfall 2 (but not quite....) that's so freakin insane&intense that you and your fellow kids might even be up to the task of beating the first half of Quake 3's bot match campaign on nightmare afterwards (dont be afraid to ask for help from daddy tho!...). your guns in this are literal pewpew blasters that are about as limp as the "absolute banger metal that simply slaps" OST and the dicks of the geriatrics in charge of Apogee these days, nuff said.

i installed this hotnew 60 fps patch for PlugY but for some reason there was way less treasured BootY for me to admire&grab no matter how much i edited the droprates so i wouldnot recommend it..!

This toy commercial showing off nothing new nor interesting really makes you feel like a spess mehreen because the player character often has a will of their own (their loyalty is to the EmpraH after all, not the player trying to melee what's infront of them rather than whatever this ultramarineblue AngLe of Deff decides to arbitrarily lunge towards on a whim). Vindicare Assassin running on teh source engine released the same year was a much much much better WarHam game, I think all my fellow fans of overpriced miniature armymen/monsters oft painted in bright primary colors, i.e. vile fascist propaganda, will agree.

Immerself yourself into the role of a BiG Daddy by diving through dumpsters for creamcakes and candybars (turns out Subject DeltaForce is big in more ways than one) in this atlantic adventure that's about as challenging as Fable 2 or really any game when you have a trainer enabled, not like that matters when you can freight train around with a drill and get to kablam collectivist cunts with a double-barrel that actually sounds good, unlike your average modern Dööm game where the combat is about as deep (YeP, I deleted BiG sisters by metronoming between my painkiller stake gun and rokkit lawnchair while they were a helpless stationary ice statue, requires lots of skill believ it or not). Passingly preaches gay fairytale morals like self-renunciation, forgiveness, and the importance of positive parental figures, hence why most intellectuals rejected it in favor of more wh0les0me media like Bioschlock Infinite or Undertale, whose gospel they internalized and preach to this day to make the world an ever better utopia.

"IS THAT NOT THE PRETTIEST YOUNG -WHyTE- GURL IN ALL OF COLUMBIA??" said the mustache twirling tophat man in Ken Levine's vision of a "homogeneous ethnostate utopia", that regardless imports in indentured foreigners (who're keen to inform you in their expensive audio log machine that they hate those crAckAs) to do menial jobs for them despite having access to cybernetics, automatization and literal magic in general. Take to the skies in this rollercoaster of a follow-up to the underwater adventure with no swimming or underwater gameplay, which in turn is about as three-dimensional and vertical as Modern Warfare 2. The influence from Bioshock 2 is clear though given how you can use plasmids and guns at the same time, and not to mention how the living breathing city is depicted and plays out like the animatronic amusement park ride level in that game, complete with animate yet lifeless mannequins that don't say a thing as you filch their hotdogs and pennies to fuel your bloodlust to butcher yet more policemen and revolutionaries who behave like unhinged splicers. Belle from Beauty&TheBeast is for a fleeting moment holding a book called "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" when you first come face2face with her in this Call of Duty campaign, and I'm sure all my fellow astute GoodReads members here picked up on what that was meant to insinuate in this story also about "ending up on a journey that makes one end up a better person", that naturally concludes with the irredeemable Troy Baker and his progeny voluntarily ceasing to exist.

You can tell that this Thief total conversion mod is a proper immersive simulation because your fellows in the co-op multiplayer that everyone but me ignores appear as if they're a head taller than you (#relatable for some I imagine), not to mention how you're physically unable to use an assault rifle if your GunZ skill rank isn't maxed and can even research the spleens of reskinned hammerites to make your monkey wrench do 24.9% more damage to them. Nothing yells VerisimilitudE more than superfluous tabletop RPG abstractions that Underworld was well on its way to file off and were completely gone in the game that this is titularly but ultimately only incidentally the sequel to, I think my fellow wikipedia article writers and the "immersive sim intelligentzia" of bäcklöggd who've given money to NoseDive Studios will agree. SHowDaN is at the top of everyone's favorite bestest vidogam villain lists, which makes perfect sense considering that most folX never even played "System Shock One" and in this game with actual villainS she talks and acts like an impetulant jobber while emailing you skillpoints. In conclusion, any and all quote unquote gamers who suggest to turn off the muzak should be fined&jailed!!!

Would you kindly do the one and only thing you can do within this linear pre-scripted sequence of events that the omniscient GPS arrow is conveniently pointing you towards, my dear fan of immersive 7th gen simulations? You can tell it's a deep and scathing commentary on the plights faced by Ken Levine's lineage objectivism because turning off security alarms or hacking turrets can be accomplished by feeding them fiat bills (remember to eat your yummy greens kids). Nevermind how the downfall of the underwater themepark utopia happened largely because of magic seaslug juice being commoditized into x-men powers, that incidentally drive people insane and even make them see ghosts because System Shock 2 did it too And we can get away with it since our target audience of adolescents who got a 360 to play Oblivion/Halo 3 never heard of it, brava Ken. The moral complexity behind choosing whether to murder children for dark side points to unlock upgraded force lightning marginally earlier OR magically rescue them with the solution that's literally handed to you the moment the opportunity first arises (which rewards you with the ability to turn Big DaDDies into your bulletsponge bodyguards to further trivialize this already easy game) is right up there with the likes of the RedvsBlue war in "Skrym", I think we can all agree.

had any good runs lately my fellow balatro-like enjoyers?? I for one always receive magnanimous blessings from "RNGshua" because I turn off the djent shitmetal and listen to muzak with proper mooD, believ it or not!.

I kept trying to add this to the appropriate wikipedia article but they blockd me from editing it for some reason.....

u think u Finishd Teh Fight? sorry but An Ancient Evil Awakens (the makers of games such as Too Human, Turok 2008 and Kinect Star Wars, all merged together into a MegaZord called '343'). Cortana looks like she belongs in a porn parody and I think that accurately describes the overall quality of this MTN Dew/Dorito wombocombo advertisement that received 9outta10's from all your favorite gaming media outlets, who were keen enough to inform discerning consumers that this made-with-love sequel has the strongest story yet (love and kind regards from GameSpot). Credit where credit is due, the people behind the story clearly cared enough to read every Bionicle book and the lore wiki in preparation for this, that's why they act like MasterChaff is an actual character with gravitas even though up till now he'd been a camogreen brick who doesn't afraid of anything while outside of the games he was a soda mascot. Look forward to my upcoming review of Halo 5 my felllow gamers who recently purchasd the master chief collection for 9,99 on steem (what a deal!!somany achievements for me to collect)

Oscar Charlie Bravo Mike, frag those tangos with your semiautomatic M14!!! The signature seventh gen Realistic Warfighter sepia tone visuals along with things like the "run mildly faster while wiggling your gun like a jack-off" feature here really show how much ambition there was behind this contractually obligated "Haylo 4" as they internally called it. instead of writing up a vietnam war memorial's worth of text/complaints I'll just say that thankfully there are NoMore Halo campgns left for me to play (YeP!). my favorite part was That Part, besides That one of course, yes, you know the one, when the CURRENT OBJECTIVE pop-up merely read ONLY THE STRONGEST WILL SURVIVE!!!!! LEAD ME TO HEAVEN WHEN WE DIE!!!!! I AM A SHADOW ON THE WALL!!!!!! I'LL BE THE ONE TO SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!! SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: my spartan OC might not be able to dual wield but at least he is forklift certified....