The Co-op hole

This list is based purely on how good these games are as Co-op experiences you can play with your friends. Not counting games that never really end or have no set progression like Minecraft or team multiplayer games like TF2 or Lethal Company.

(Should mention that these are only based on games I've actually played, so if anyone wants to make recommendations for additional games please do!)

This game is actively improved in every way by playing it co-op. Even splitscreen couch co-op works like a dream and I played through it both ways. Easily the best campaign you can play with a friend.
This is basically two games worth of campaigns with infinite replayability. If I wasn't so biased this probably would've been #1.
Since this game is more of an RPG with survival elements than minecraft I feel like I can give it a place. The post game is more of a survival game but leading up to that there is a straight line of progression.
This i basically the culmination of the Mario series obsession with C0-op as it is the best one by a country mile.
It's nice to see a game like this that takes into account playing with co-op partners. Allowing you to pursue your own paths and relationships or just build a massive farm.
Solid game with solid co-op mechanics.
Really solid beat em' up, double fun with friends, although one player is stuck playing as Misako until the post game. Bonus points for more open levels encouraging exploration for the players!
Honestly if you turn off sound this is one of the better games to fuck around in with friends. Bonus points for allowing 4 people.
I think this game almost works better co-op than it does solo, so much fun to go through with a pal. Although playing on heroic made the final level a slog.
While it's not a main story campaign co-op I feel like this game is still so much fun that it doesn't matter.
Again this game is actively more fun with a friend. Unfortunately the PC versions have no online (which is fine) but steam remote play means one player uses the arrow keys. Recommend emulating it on PCSX2 or Dolphin and then using Parsec to bring in another player.
The co-op can be a little unwieldy but it works. It reminds me of old lego games but without the camera being designed around two people.
One of the games of all time, unfortunately co-op is more of an afterthought, like it is in most 3D mario games.
This should be classified as terrorism


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