Definitely the most challenging of Bungie's Halo games (on normal difficulty). Forces you to think tactfully and strategically by only giving you two weapon slots and a ton of guns that are good at different things. This game contains one of the best missions of all FPS games ever and it is absolutely thrilling, masterfully using different forms of visual storytelling to build tension.

Play time: 16 hours

New weapons, new enemy types, dual wielding, and the cutscenes look spectacular. The introduction of Arbiter was a great idea and was well executed.

Play time: 12 hours

Infuriating at times. Good story, awful combat and even worse climbing. Kept dying and having to start climbing again due to bullshit.


Amazing gameplay, one of the best original soundtracks ever, and rewards exploration. My only complaint is that it isn't always clear where you're supposed to go next which I'm guessing is a level design issue.

Thrilling and emotional. Made me cry. Outrageously good storytelling for me to care this much about these characters.

A classic that all PC gamers must play. This game challenged me, made me laugh, and had me saying "oh shit" out loud.

Play time: 4.3 hours

Rocksteady clearly put a lot of love into this game. The character bios, tape recordings, and spirit of Arkham chronicles flesh out the story world and show that the developers thought of everything. The atmosphere and vibe of Arkham island is dark and creepy, a feeling that is enhanced by the foreboding score.

Unfortunately, I played these games out of order and despite this being the original game that started the franchise, I played this one last. Arkham City was my first Arkham game and will always have a special place in my heart. There were times playing Asylum where I wished I was playing City. As expected, Asylum's combat is the clunkiest in the series with a lot of punching air and pulling out gadgets when I'm supposed to be blocking an incoming attack. Most villain interactions are great with the exception being Scarecrow, where the camera is no longer over the shoulder and movement becomes weird. This camera angle annoyingly comes back in the final battle which is also pretty lackluster.

Overall, a great game with fun villains, good story, and an awesome setting. I recommend playing this one first.

Play time: 14 hours

Annoyingly tedious and boring. What kind of open world RPG has this many blockades, walls, and rubble? Why is it so unclear how to get to my destination? This game really isn't for me and was not a fun experience.

Abandoned after <6 hours.

You deserve to experience this. Incredible.

No dual wielding, few enemy types, not my favorite Halo soundtrack, and an oddly paced final mission with an anticlimactic ending. However, the different perspective on humanity's fight to defend Earth from The Covenant is appreciated. Additionally, the audio logs and atmospheric tone of the game are well done and quite memorable.

Playtime: 5.5 hours

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The story is perfect and definitely one of the best stories you can experience in a first person shooter. The tragic end of Noble team is emotional and dramatic. The characters that make up Noble team all have their own personalities, voices, and aesthetics. The heroic sacrifices and deaths of these Spartans make my blood boil with a hatred for the covenant like never before.

This is hands down the most cinematic Halo game. The cutscenes are expertly directed as if from a movie.

Each mission is completely different from the last. First we have a boots on the ground mission where we see the country side and investigate the death of some civilians, only to discover that the covenant are on Reach. Two missions later we are stealthily sniping covenant forces at night. Next thing you know you're in a tank, followed by a dogfight in outer space before boarding and blowing up a covenant ship. There are jetpacks, then you're in the gunner seat on a chopper, then you're flying a chopper, at one point you're manning a giant anti-air cannon.

New Alexandria is a memorable mission where we experience urban warfare as we pass civilian corpses in the streets and defend survivors as they evacuate. It's here that we experience just how devastating the fall of Reach is. I believe this is the mission where you are flying a chopper and watch a skyscraper collapse. That was a detail the developers threw in that made me take a second and say "holy shit."

As far as the gameplay goes, there is a lot of great stuff here. Plenty of new weapons like the plasma repeater, concussion rifle, and focus rifle however, there is no SMG and no dual wielding. Every enemy type in the covenant arsenal is present and there are also jet packs.

The only bad thing I have to say about the gameplay is that Noble 6 should be able to sprint at all times.

I must have been about 11 when this game introduced me to the Halo franchise. Replaying it as an adult this weekend, all I could think about is how I wish I could have completely forgotten this game and experienced it for the first time again, now that I have recently played all the Halo games that came before it. It would probably be my favorite Halo game (and I think it is) but hard to say since the best parts were not new to me.


Playtime: 6.3 hours

Pure joy. One of the best video games ever made.
Playtime: 4.3 hours

Immediately intriguing, fast paced, and never feels boring. The gameplay is addictive, the art style is awesome, and you will feel badass playing it.

Playtime: 2 hours