Best cinematic game ever. A must play even for non-gamers.
Despite Cage being a jerk.

A great existential artistic experience. I recommend the PS3 remaster too since this lacks the music (except in time attack) and has horrible character face design. But new orchestrated music is varied and good and the graphics and 60fps makes it amazing on PS5 (I didn’t experience that much texture problems so don’t skip on it if you worry that the PS4 Pro makes it look better - 60fps mode is smooth and quiet on PS5)

This review contains spoilers

A great short game that in the beginning borrows from Inside and Swedish children’s TV etc. and later on borrows too much from Spirited Away. It’s a great beautiful game even in the end of 2022 when I finally played it for the first time.
Now there’s a bundle on PSN with both games that includes all DLC, I will get that later, just playing through my PS+ library.

It has a great track by Susumu Hirasawa which is not his typical style but more ambient, and that and the town it is placed in along with the Katsuhiro Otomo-style art and the nice action makes it worth it.
The Ascent and that new Katsuhiro Otomo-style AI-stole-my-world-game all got inspired by RUINER is safe to say.

An extremely cool game that for someone who has never played Minecraft feels much more interesting.
It’s a bit long if you don’t know how to proceed and can feel over-simplistic at times. But the dialogue - man that is some serious deep dark stuff said by grown-up babies all co-habiting and fighting til they drop.
At least give this game a shot, you won’t regret it!

An absolute must play. Played on Steam on TV with DualShock 4. Feels like playing a modern Donkey Kong Country made by Pixar and Ghibli. Awesome game that probably inspired Hollow Knight - and I know Ori 2 in its turn got inspired by Hollow Knight.

One of the most fun open world games I have played, and I have only finished one (AC4 Black Flag). The car driving in 60fps and the graphical effects like dust and explosions and sound in this game is awesome. Skip the 30fps PS4-version and try it in 60+ on Steam or Series SX on a TV with controller, it’s such an underrated game!


An ok game with a great underrated soundtrack! It’s no platforming but just boxing. It was difficult on hard but you get free checkpoints so could restart from there. Play it on Normal just to enhoy the production with nice graphical stages, CG and soundtrack. Last boss is really scary!
Ending credits is really cool and meme-y!
I had fun playing it due to the high production value although it lacks in variety.

Great goose physics! I enjoyed its slow pace and procedural soundtrack.
A bit short and could have been cheaper from the start.


Idea rich platformer/puzzle that blew my mind in 2022.A must play, even if you check up on solutions. Great soundtrack. There is more it than meets the eye so definitely play it through, it’s not long.
Map system is though very confusing but original.

A short and lore-rich game that tries to draw you in although you might not understand why you should care for all that story.
But afterwards you understand more and it leaves a great memory although you never got to understand the whole world and its hidden lore.
It’s a cool game gameplay-wise and how it narratively tries to tell you a story.
I enjoyed it and finished it which I couldn’t do with Bastion which world I coukd never get into. I feel these types of games are too much Board Games, D&D, Fantasy/Sci-fi-books for my taste and since I haven’t that much interest in delving into new lore trown at me, I wasn’t that impressed, but with that being said Supergiant Games and Gen Zee are extremely talented and this game is too short and beautiful enough to not give it a shot!

My favourite most replayed game which is almost as fun as replaying Resident Evil 4 or Bloodborne. TEW is much better than TEW2 which is too easy and boring american bland UE4 game while TEW has:
Gritty Quake-engine which fits the look. Queen Ikumi Nakamura, and a western great concept designer guy who worked on Monster Hunter World and Cyberpunk 2077 who designed the excellent village stage in TEW.
Excellent difficulty options and a huge replay value.
Over the top humor.
Traps and matches providing strategy (creative kills).
Great varied level design depending on which difficulty you play on (excluding Akumu).
Excellent upgrade/level-up system.
Super cool DLC the Assignment which hints more of the cinematic/narratively driven sequel.

My WidenedScore (WS) for The Evil Within: 7-9/10
To me it’s mostly in the 8-9/10 range. The better you become on this game, the more fun it gets!

A goofy DLC in first person which could ve an inspiration to RE8 Village DLC.
They should make a separate expanded VR-version of this called ’Stem VR: An Evil Within Experience’

Not as good as TEW. It’s made by Johanas and has less detailed polish such as you cannot shoot ravens which Mikami added as hommage to RE4, HOWEVER in the intro there is a BANANA on a tray which is a RE4-reference (the Merchant in the cave in the lake). That is the best thing with TEW2.
- Semi-open world with markers on a map. Nice idea but it doesn’t work well and they should have spent time just creating great designed levels with good pacing.
- No traps or matches
- Too easy
- Less cool characters and changed worse character design. Dialogues lacking.
- Boring UE4 graphics with Fortnite-style town in the first level
+ A few cool bosses (Obscura and maybe The Harbinger flamethrower guy is actually an unused idea Ikumi made for TEW)
+ better engine for 60fps but on PS4 Pro/PS5 you get locked 30fps in TEW and the 30fps adds much to the horror (and I’m someone who can’t stand 30fps usually)

I wish Johanas well and think he did a great job for coming from outside producing this game. It’s very well made, although I prefer the original. Johanas can make great cinematographical games and I would love him to create some kind of walking sim indie game.


A must play! Excellent indie game. More fun than Braid and almost as good as Fez.
Not too difficult in the beginning but I had to check walkthrough from time to time in the end. But what makes this game great is that you almost can solve most puzzles if you just give it time. And the nice piano music soothes you. However, the colors can make your eyes really tired, this game is probably the most extreme I have experienced in that regard. But no epilepsy flashing, just too strong plain neon colors, but thanks to the simple graphics and slow tempo you can just lower the brightness.
Please spread the word and play Hue!
- Strong colors on screen with no “eye- and OLED burn in-protection option”, thus Incoukd only play max 1 hr each session even if I used EXTREMELY low LED brightness on my LG C1 49”.