When I first played MGS3 I came out liking it less than both 2 and 4, but as time has gone by I think it might actually be my favourite in the series. It's a game that doesn't try to wow you with the craziness of its story like those two do, instead it goes for something far more grounded and human than the rest of the series. Bombastic setpieces are traded for quiet moments where you're alone in the depths of the jungle. The little story that is here is great too. It's more emotionally charged than 2's is, and doesn't resonate with me on the same level that games themes did, but it's ultimately more powerful for how it concludes.

Also the gameplay is pretty good but that's neither here nor there.

It's Undertale I can't really say much more.

First half is just pretty good, second half is insanely good.

The only good thing Sonic Team has made in the last decade (update: this was written before Frontiers came out). The Classic stages are fine, the Modern ones are some of the best things to come out of the entire series and I have continued to replay them ever since this game came out.

The first half is basically perfect, but it runs out of ideas during the second half. Still great and one of the best games ever made though.

An underrated favourite of mine. Basically the perfect length and is super replayable. Controls are very clunky though so I would recommend the Wii version.

Heavily flawed in many aspects but the combat and soundtrack are so good that the issues are almost completely negated for me.

The greatest thing I have ever read.

I can't put into words how much Umineko means to me.

RE1 Remake was the better horror game but this is by far the better game overall.

Woefully incomplete but what is here is excellent. Play NoAH instead to get the full experience.

I love the fact that nobody ever bothers to consider the sheer absurdity of the fact this game even exists. Square manages to marry a combat system that's just pure fun with exploration of classic Disney locales we all know and love. Not perfect and the story is quite cheesy but it's cool.

Couldn't get into the card based gameplay and the fact that 90% of the assets are just reused from KH1. The story is pretty good though. Despite what I think of the game itself this is definitely one of the best remakes I've ever seen.

Played Sonic's story and then stopped. I do think the level design and soundtrack are pretty good but there is no denying that this game is blatantly unfinished and the fact that it has garnered diehard defenders in recent years baffles me. It's certainly not "worst game of all time material" like many would have you believe though.

Minus some questionable structural issues, Colours is overall a really solid game and I feel it's overhated within the fanbase.