It's not good at all but I love it.

I don't care what people say the Knuckles/Rouge parts are horrible. The rest of the game is good though. It also has imo the best story out of the Sonic games (although that's not really a high bar).

A downgrade to 999 in basically every way, but still alright. My biggest issue with it is that so many elements of this are just reused from past Uchikoshi games.

Need to replay but I remember everything except Case 3 being good.

The most consistent Ace Attorney game that I've played, with each case being better than the last.

My opinion on it has soured over time but overall I still think DR2 is a sizeable improvement over the first game, with the mysteries being a lot more complex and compelling.

Gameplay is clunky but the story is surprisingly excellent for a PS1 game.

Amazing as a horror game, but the gameplay is incredibly clunky and I found it extremely hard to get into.

Takes everything that worked about the previous games and combines them into a more refined experience that's both more approachable for newcomers and has more room to optimize your run for longtime fans. A 100% run of this game is just so fun to blaze through.

Gonna be honest, I was shocked at how fun I found this on a recent replay. For years I've thought of Sonic Adventure as a game that aged horribly, and yeah things like the cutscene animation and Amy and Big's stories do drag the game down, but I was surprised at just how fun the majority of the game is, with Sonic and Gamma's stories being particular highlights.

Fun if you want more character interactions but not a necessary read.

Horrendous pacing and a story that's kinda all over the place. Definitely an improvement over the original game in terms of general story quality and characters. That said, I feel it's also just not a very good remake in terms of improving what worked about the original (deciding instead to just throw out almost everything). It's not terrible or anything, just not very good.

Great style but not much beyond that. Later games improve on the formula a lot.

Boring but somewhat charming, Okuhiko is the best character.