It's okay.

First route is near 1:1 with Rebellions' first route except with a bunch of really questionable differences that drag it down, and the second route is just kinda nothing. I don't recommend this one, just play the remake instead.

"Okay, hear me out on this one. What if we made Secret Game but actually good?"

(Rating only for the 999 remaster)
Still really good but the downgrades from the original DS release are too big to ignore, play that instead.

Huge step up from the original simply due to the Swift Sail and other quality-of-life features. Still doesn't have very fun dungeons but oh well. I still love the style of this game and wish I could rate it higher, but the dungeons just drag it down IMO.

I take back everything I said about the original, it's a masterpiece compared to this.

Not as bad as it's reputation would have you think.

That being said it's not good.

How did they fuck up Sonic Colours of all things?

Better than DR1 and 2 in almost every way. Best cast in the series, best core story in the series, best individual mysteries in the series. My only real issue with V3 is that it's really long, like twice the length of DR1, and I feel like some of the early chapters don't really benefit from the increased runtime. The ending is almost perfect.

Really has not aged that well, but it's still worth playing IMO. I really do not like how the first few routes are paced, and even the True Ending, while much more engaging, has a lot of issues with pacing, alternating between feeling too drawn out and too rushed. Still has some crazy twists even by modern standards, so if you're interested in those I would recommend this.

A fresh change of pace. Really enjoyed experimenting with the many different choices. The narrator is so good.

Great atmosphere, pacing, and twists. Cast is somewhat lacking but I think they're likeable enough and work well for what the game is trying to do. Play the DS version, the ports are utter garbage.

Revenge of Meta-Knight, Revenge of the King, and Meta-Knightmare Ultra are peak.

This is the best Pikmin game.

Yes I am biased.

MGS3 is great in a lot of ways MGS2 isn't. Instead of having a thought provoking story of the digital age, MGS3 tells a simpler and more grounded story set during the Cold War. It's still absolutely absurd, don't get me wrong, but the core message is a lot more..."human" than MGS1 or 2.

The biggest strength of MGS3 is it's gameplay, specifically the re-releases because the camera in the original makes the whole thing borderline unplayable. The third person camera, more open environments, and lack of a radar make this a far slower game than MGS2, but I think that works very nicely and I like it more than where the series ended up going with MGS4 and beyond.