I get no pleasure from this game whatsoever. I despise it.

Hacking and slashing has never been this awesome. Or Gay.


This is a certified hood classic.

a game that i was WAY too young to get into, it's 6 years older than me. Still fucking slaps though Which is a good sign for it

This game has so much potential. If this WASN"T an assassins creed game it would be the best pirate game of all time (maybe it still is) but the stupid god damn animus fuckery, combined with the seriously dated "assassins creed" controls, systems, staples, missions structures, ui, all that cuntery, hold it back from it's true potential.

This is a certified hood classic

This was my first Bioshock.

It improves on the gameplay of Bioshock 1 by........i think quite a lot. It obviously suffers in the story department, but only compared to one. It's still a fantastic game, and a great bioshock.

Deadset never played the story of this game in my life. I've also never owned it.

But once i stayed at a friends place and we played SO MUCH OF THIS GAME that when i tried to go to sleep after what i think was like 18 hours of it i coudlnt stop thinking about it and i got really really scared that i was "addicted to it" because i was like 9 and a fucking idiot.

Fall from grace from the wonderul start to the assassins creed series but definitely came out before the series has over stayed its welcome. It's pretty good.

This is a certified hood classic

I just........i liked Doom 2016 more

There's plenty that i COULD criticise about this game but, I'm not going to. It's a soulslite action RPG in the star wars universe. I loved it

This is a certified Hood Classic