He's done it again.

The Mad Man

Satisfying exploration with the occasional less fun combat encounter, doesn't ruin the game, it's just not my favourite part of it.

Was too young when it came out, but got into the game a little bit before it all went to shit. Was a very fun online game for a while there.

If you're gay this came will kick you in the ass

I will die for you Kate.

This is my favourite game of all time.

The definitive stealth cinematic experience.

This is genuinely fucking amazing. P-E-R-F-E-C-T

Fantastic game. The height of games of it's time. Extremely dope historical sci-fi action game

This game ruined modern open world action-rpgs by being so fucking good that every one since has tried so hard to copy it. Fucking good game though

Super unique game, not very long but the late 2000s had so many wonderful weird story heavy experiences and this is one. Very worth a play through

Indie game PERFECTION.

Bizarre, scary, existential, funny, fun, exciting, wonderful, whimsical, scary.

Call of Duty has it all figured out. It's great at what it does

God....................don't even ask me about this game.

Call of Duty has it all figured out. Good at what it does

Also the demo of this on my friends computer was pretty much if not exactly the first proper FPS i ever pllayed. A lot of nostalgia

Call of duty has it all figured out. It's good at what it does

The bad news is that she has NOT aged well, the worse news is that i didn't play it when it was new which means that i don't have the nostalgia factor to add to it. The GOOD news is that even with all that, it's still clearly good enough for me to be uncomfortable giving it less than a 3

This one is a difficult one to talk about for a few reasons

The batmobile fucking SUCKS. Those tank sections may have been kinda okay on their own but the fact that they are mandatory and DENSELY laid out throughout the story is such a shitty bullshit piece of shit.
Also it's a bit of a shame with the Arkham Knight's identity because if you know ANYTHING about Batman it's extremely clear who he is in like.....his first appearance, and it became almost irritating to see everyone go "buh....b-but wh.....who IS he" Like bro it's * **** come the fuck on

but on the other hand it's the definitive batman experience gameplay wise and it fucking rules.