It's the best GTA. What can i say.

Full of heart, fun as fuck, replayable as all hell. Funny, gritty, amazing.

This game got me into Metal Gear and it's now one of my favourite game series' of all tie

Stealth Excellence

WIsh it was finished tho

Don't know what to say, preordered this game, loved it for a week, never finished it, don't know if i ever will. Clearly a great game just..........idk smth didnt work for me.

Incredible story. Gameplay and graphics have aged poorly but if that doesn't bother you it's very worth the slog.

Ellis: Kill all sons 'a bitches.

[ Ellis racks his Combat Shotgun. ]

Ellis: That's my 'ficial instructions.

Games fucking fun bro

I don't even care if this game hasn't aged well. I loved it so fucking much and it will always be special to me.

Lootin' and shootin' takes a LONG time to get old

Genuinely the most fun i've had in multiplayer gaming with the boys. The game is utter gutter shit right now and i have no interest in ever playing it again but the times i had in this game are chefs kiss

If this was anything other than a "Fallout" game, it wold be a solid 4/5.'s a fallout game. Following New Vegas. With no morality system, no real faction levels, boring as all fuck story and a complete lack of wacky humour.

Incredible crafting system though.

I thought this game was amazing and then i played New Vegas. Now i think this game is pretty good

One of the least "lived in" feeling worlds that R* has ever created, while also being one of their best stories.

One of my favourite stealth games of all time. Beautiful world building, fantastic characters, extremely satisfying tale of revenge.