Holy shit that ending this game has no right to be this good

Amazing game with some terrific environmental storytelling that ends in a final boss fight that hits a very well deserved emotional high; level design kinda falls apart for the last couple areas

Not as good as Dark Souls 1 story/world-wise but controls better so it balances out to about the same rating.

One of FromSoftware's best games that would be infinitely better if it ran well.

Worse than Origins but still enjoyable; Kassandra is miles better than Alexios

A really well done shooter that I spent 35 hours in before I even realized I wasn't even engaging with the story. The gunplay is second to none but the overall package is a little more iffy.

Not as good as Heavy Rain but not nearly as bad as Beyond: Two Souls. Overall its a laughably bad story written by a man who just learned racism exists and wants to share that fact with the world.

Zombies is really fun, multiplayer is pretty not great, and the campaign is really messy but an okay time.

I don't have any nostalgia for the rest of the Diablo series but I enjoyed this one quite a bit.

Surprisingly fun shooter that is let down by a nothing story and underwhelming loot.


Took what made OG Doom fun and mixed it with an even more fast paced and skill based shooter that is one of the best of the generation.

One of, if not the best shooter of the generation

Great gameplay loop marred by a poor story that has an even worse ending.

Only finished one ending about 5 years ago so I need to go back and replay it but I remember enjoying it