I had fun throwing my brothers off the stage as a kid. Other than that,, uhhh Penguin costume and Propeller are cool. The levels feel a lot bigger, but I prefer short level I can run through like on the Ds version.

100% Nostalgia, but I could pick this game up on any day and just run through it, having the time of my life, and isn't that what 2D Mario is all about?

Cool stuff, lots of fun, and held my attention for 2 whole months! That's one whole month more than Mario Maker 1.

It's a phenomenal game but its not my thing, I'd rather just play linear Mario, sorry!

This game is so much fun to play, anytime, anywhere. It isn't actively trying to kill you unlike the first, and its levels are fun. The secrets are awesome and you don't lose all of your progress with a gameover. The DEFINITIVE game in the Super Mario Bros. Trilogy, in my opinion.

The song that plays during the first level is the only reason I consider this a real Mario game.

My first introduction to Mario on the Wii Virtual Console. You play for a bit, die a couple times, and rage quit. The warps are pretty cool but the difficulty beacons a greater commitment that I just don't have for this game anymore.

This game was my life for a couple months but that's more because it's very convenient to just pick up and play. Very basic and is the full embodiment of everything wrong with the "New" series, but it's a guilty pleasure.

Like Mario Galaxy but actually open world.

Story, nonexistent, Fun level design that BLOWS the first out of the water? YES

Beautiful and game changing adventure through space. You would think that in a game this abstract that it would feel unorganized, but they've created an intuitive and exciting world that we have the honor of playing in.

This game is bonkers but I love it.

Fun environments, fun enemies, and fun to see how modern Mario things like red coins were first used. Game play? Frustrating at best but you get used to the wonky controls by the 2nd world.