I've needed to take a break from this one because my luck is kinda ass with this one. However, in exchange I need to take 3 shots of vodka, apparently

Who could've forseen what this game would start

This game can get pretty difficult, but it's still masterfully done. Play it

I named my town Johto. Also the title screen theme is probably the best in the series

Besides some endgame bullshit, a great sonic game. With a Soundtrack that is probably top 3 for me

I could talk how the addition of Mission Mode and how more Mario Kart games should do it, but fuck that. I'm gonna talk about Rainbow Road, the song that plays their bangs

This game is like the Parappa the Rappa of Platformers, everything about it is good...except the gameplay. It's not horrible but it has aged and there's a part midway through the game that has a bit of a grind. The Acrobat Run is also one the most grueling things I've ever had to do in a videogame

The first Metroid game I've ever beaten, excellent game and a great first Metroid game

I didn't really like this game for a while, but after playing Pokemon Red I've warmed up to it. Not one of my favorite Pokemon games, but I respect it

I like this version more because it has Arcanine and Vileplume

If you don't like this game I 100% get it, I kind of like it because it's charming with a great soundtrack and a cool idea. But it's the first 3D Sonic game to control like shit

I like the exclamation marks are a part of the title. Anyway, a great game with a bit of a learning curve when you haven't played in a while

This was the game that got me to love Farming sim games, such an adorable game I'm glad I got to learn how to play these types of games with this one

I had a day where I lost an entire afternoon because I was playing this game and watching The Right Opinion. Simpler times

One the most pleasant games I've ever played, as soon as I started playing it just clicked