Funny game, got some really good laughs out of it. Though there isn't much replay value and I found it mostly boring after not even a couple hours. Coming from someone who has ~100 hours on Lethal Company

The story is good... on paper. However it's executed so slowly and poorly that it's terrible. Graphics kind of suck, there's not even a graphics menu to adjust stuff like framerate.. Like?? I don't know why I forced myself so hard to try and enjoy this and keep playing. If you haven't played Nier Automata however play that instead.

best game ever please play thanks

Solid game. Not exactly my cup of tea though.

Really funny game! I love Ik so much. Still underrated for what it is even after the added exposure from Lethal Company (same dev). Simply a must play

It's easy to get lost and there's a lot of backtracking. Progression can feel slow and confusing. The visuals are pleasing and the combat is okay but overall I found it pretty boring. If you're cool with getting lost in a game for hours, in the most literal sense possible, then you may enjoy Hollow Knight.

I adore the art style, though I ended up dropping it. Game just lost my interest after a couple hours

The art style is one of my favorites, the game is also pretty fun.

if you like undertale JUST PLAY IT, it's amazing. It's even better than undertale in some regards, and I think it's fair to say it has more content than it too. I never expected a fan game to make it to my top 3 games of all time, next to undertale itself and deltarune, but it just feels that authentic to my favorite game.

Very fun and charming platformer


Very boring... I'm convinced if the main character wasn't a cat this game wouldn't even get half the love it does. It's visually pleasing though.