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QuentTheSlayer commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list What Was Your First RPG?
The first JRPG I played was when I was extremely young with my Dad, it was Final Fantasy VIII. According to him, I would run around and fight and somehow over leveled him for the rest of the game, but it's funny, I've actually yet to play FFVIII myself while being a conscious adult, but it was my first JRPG. Now the JRPG that impacted me greatly is Dragon Quest 8. As a kid, Dragon Quest 8 presented to me that video Games can be incredibly vast, immersive, and rich with settings, characters, music, and storytelling. It wasn't until I was about 15 or 16 when I beat Dragon quest 8 for the first time, I remember this vividly because it was always one of those games I cherished deeply, but didn't realize how much it meant to me until I thought about it and finished the game for myself.

9 hrs ago

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